Úrval dagsins

William Gibson yrði stoltur

"At the direction of the BHPC Executive Committee, the BHPC study group conducted a year-long assessment entitled “Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/Machine Fusion and the Impact for the Future of the DOD”. The primary objective of this effort was to forecast and evaluate the military implications of machines that are physically integrated with the human body to augment and enhance human performance over the next 30 years.

Although the control of military hardware, enhanced situational awareness, and faster data assimilation afforded by direct neural control would fundamentally alter the battlefield by the year 2050, the other three cyborg technologies are also likely to be adopted in some form by warfighters and civil society."


Á leið á barinn, ca 2060.

Kalda stríði var ekki einu sinni svona.

"Sullivan added, "And if you look at what our NATO allies have done, in terms of searching their own capabilities to Eastern flank allies, upping their own defense expenditures, we are at a level, a state of readiness, to take on any contingency, and we're doing the act of coordination and scenario planning to be prepared for whatever comes our way.""

Dásamlegt, æðislegt.

Skoska ríkið vill stunda vísindi

"The Scottish Government announced an investigation of why newborn deaths were higher than expected in both September 2021 and March 2022, as published by Public Health Scotland.

"The review will cover all reported deaths across Scotland between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022 to find out if there is anything that may have contributed to the increase. Anything identified will feed into recommendations and actions to improve the quality of care for mother and babies," according to the news release."

Svipað virðist vera í gangi hér á landi.

Nema hér er engin ranssókn á vegum ríkisins.


Náungi að mótmæla barna-limlestingum

"Join us on October 21 at the state capitol as we rally to end child mutilation across the state. We are going to put a stop to gender ideology’s assault on our children. Come and be a part of the movement."


Ef ekki væri fyrir kvenfólk þá yrðum við að láta nægja að gera grín að kynskiftingum og dvergum.

Ítalska ríkið ætlar að setja eigin borgara í forgang

""Italy's attitude must return to defending its national interests in order to find common solutions. And it is something that will change in the coming months," Meloni, who leads the conservative Brothers of Italy (FdI) party, said in a speech in Milan."

Íslanska ríkið gæti lært af Ítölunum.

Mótmælendur sitja um Franska sendiráðið í Burkina Faso

"Crowds of protesters tried to storm the French Embassy in Burkina Faso's capital Ouagadougou on Saturday, after special forces staged the second military coup in a year. The protesters accused the former colonial power of aiding the ousted leader, Lt. Col. Paul Henri Sandaogo Damiba, whose whereabouts remain unknown."

Mikilvæg mál þarna.  En ekki svo mjög fyrir okkur.

Brazilísk stjórnmál eru.... öðruvísi.

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