Į sama tķma ķ fyrra

Nżjustu tölur fyrir ykkur:

"According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), the number of excess deaths in 2022 has already increased which is more than the average for previous years.

The number of deaths that occurred by June 30 and were reported by August 31 in 2022 was 92,699. This was an increase of 13,524 (17.1%) over the historical average."


... jį.

Bolsonaro vs Lula

"Disregarding the votes for other candidates, this means that Bolsonaro received 51.57% of votes cast for either candidate up until 7:22 pm, and Lula da Silva 48.43%. Between 7:22 pm and 5:14 am the next morning, Bolsonaro received only 44.20% of votes cast for either candidate, and Lula da Silva 55.80%. It was not clear what could have caused such a huge statistical anomaly."

Žetta stendur enn yfir.

Elon Musk til bjargar:

Katta-stelpu vélmenni

""Naturally, there will be a catgirl version of our Optimus robot," Musk said of his new product.

Reaction from fans to Musk’s latest promise was enthusiastic, though a few pointed out that at least in some works of fiction creating autonomous robots, especially human-like and sexy, does not end well for humanity."

Langt ķ žetta, kannski:

"Elon Musk's much-touted droid is a dud — at least compared to the state-of-the-art robots from Boston Dynamics.

Such was the reaction on Twitter and other social media after Musk unveiled Tesla’s "Optimus" prototype on Friday.

Optimus walked out slowly, waved and examined its odd five-fingered hand and then retreated at a similarly glacial place.

"My grandmother moves faster," tweeted Gustavo Fernandez."

WEF vita ekki hvernig vķsindi virka

"During a World Economic Forum (WEF) anti-disinformation panel last week, a United Nations representative announced that they "own the science," in reference to their "climate information" partnership with Google."

Bretar hafa ekki efni į kolefnistrśarmönnum

"Thousands of Brits marched in London and other metro areas this weekend in protest of being thrown into energy poverty while inflation is at forty-year highs.

There were countless videos on social media showing Brits holding signs about their dire financial situation. "Can't afford to live," "Freeze profit, not people," and "Eat the Tories," read some of the signs people held. 

Europe is on the list of impending social unrest areas in the "next six months" by Verisk Maplecroft, a UK-based risk consulting and intelligence firm."

Kuldaleg framtķš.

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