Passið ykkur á gula snjónum


Ég hugsa nú að fæstir myndu búast við þessu.

Fyrir 5 árum...

"Doctor-assisted death could reduce annual health-care spending across the country by between $34.7 million and $136.8 million, according to a report published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal on Monday."


Írland, núna:

"The 1st protest tonight about the refugees in tallaght Cookstown.. as the women said tonight we need to come out in big numbers .. enough is enough our children's future is at risk by the Irish government human trafficking these people into OUR country."

Gott að geta bara linkað á Twitter og búist við einhverju raunverulegu.

Afrek Twitter fyrir Musk:

"Twitter refused to remove explicit images and videos of an underaged sex trafficking victim because they "didn't find a violation" of the platform's policies, a federal lawsuit claims."



Þessir hægri-öfgamenn og andúð þeirra á barnaníði...

Frekari glæpir Twitter fyrir daga Musk:

"As soon as they finished banning Trump, Twitter execs started processing new power. They prepared to ban future presidents and White Houses – perhaps even Joe Biden.

Following January 6, internal messages within Slack showed Twitter executives "getting a kick out of intensified relationships with federal agencies," Taibbi said."


Greinilega alþjóðlegt atvik

"The vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and alleged drug lord Diosdado Cabello accused the United States on Wednesday of being behind the impeachment and arrest of Peru’s far-left president Pedro Castillo."

Kynskiftingar versus lesbíur.  Hver sigrar?


Passið ykkur á banvæna gula snjónum.

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