Heimurinn feršast um geiminn


Musk lķtur į Twitter sem vetvang glępa

"Elon Musk called Twitter a 'crime scene' as he's poised to release more files regarding the company's censorship practices 

The Chief Twit is working in coordination with several journalists to publish files and messages from the social media company - now known as the 'Twitter files' - about its decision making processes when it comes to censorship. 

That work has garnered the attention of House GOP officials, who have invited Musk to testify in their investigations over Hunter Biden, who faces allegations of illegal business dealing in China and Ukraine that Republicans suggest may implicate his father, President Joe Biden."

Mig grunar aš hann sé aš skemmta sér konunglega meš žetta nżja leikfang sitt.

Žaš er af sem įšur var

"On Saturday Twitter CEO Elon Musk called out former head of Twitter Trust and Safety Yoel Roth for "arguing in favor of children being able to access adult Internet services in his PhD thesis."

Musk tweeted an excerpt from Roth's thesis, portions of which read, "...it's worth considering how, if at all, the current generation of popular sites of gay networked sociability might fit into an overall queer social landscape that increasingly includes individuals under the age of 18.""

Žessvegna flżja allir perrarnir yfir į Mastodon.  Hvernig žeim sem žar voru fyrir lżst svo į žaš, veit ég ekki.

Žaš er greinilega ekki bśiš aš henda žeim öllum śt...

".@choeshow recorded the Antifa militants & their allies who showed up at the drag queen story at Brewmaster’s Taproom in Renton, WA. #Antifa urged deadly violence against those who would protest the event. Journalist @KatieDaviscourt was assaulted & robbed."


Til lķtils aš kenna mśslimumum ķ Katar um žetta

"The conspiracies are already floating around – and no, not from the alt-right, but from the Left.

Wahl's brother, who is gay, believes Wahl was targeted and killed for supporting the LGBT religion."



Žaš var alltaf hęttuspil aš segja sannleikann į Twitter

"Schellenberger wrote, "Roth pushes for a permanent suspension of Rep. Matt Gaetz even though it "doesn't quite fit anywhere (duh)" It's a kind of test case for the rationale for banning Trump. "I'm trying to talk [Twitter's] safety [team] into... removal as a conspiracy that incites violence".

While Schellenberger doesn't specify what Gaetz's claims about Antifa were, it could refer to theories that Antifa was present during the Jan 6 Capitol riot.

"If the reports are true," Gaetz said in reference to a Washington Times report, "some of the people who breached the Capitol today were not Trump supporters. They were masquerading as Trump supporters and in fact, were members of the violent terrorist group antifa.""

Mį ekki kalla hlutina sķnum réttu nöfnum.



TLA į Twitter

"A discovery on LinkedIn has revealed there are over 14 former FBI and CIA agents currently employed by Twitter.

His LinkedIn account was either deleted or set to private  after the thread picked up some retweets but not before screenshots of his account were taken."

Listinn er langur.

Helvķtis gerpin geršu žetta af einskęrri illsku

"The global lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic ruined the lives of millions of people, especially the most vulnerable. Now the globalists responsible admit they issued their decrees solely on the basis of politics.

Scientists across the political spectrum sounded the alarm on the harm of lockdowns from the beginning of the pandemic. Media and political elites, however, derided them as conspiracy theorists and reckless.

The few politicians who actually followed the science, like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, saved their economies from ruin and countless lives in the process.  Amazing what happens when governments prioritize protecting the vulnerable and allow healthy adults to make a living."


Partż ķ Parķs


"Rioters clashed with police on the Champs-Elysees in Paris on Saturday night, following the victories of France and Morocco in the quarterfinals of the FIFA World Cup in Qatar.

According to local media, 1,220 officers were deployed to control the crowd of over 20,000 fans who gathered to watch the two back-to-back quarterfinals played in Qatar."


"Lord of War" tjįir sig um USA

"Viktor Bout told RT: "They’re losing their Christian values. They’re losing their families. They’re losing literally their country. It is not anymore the same country we knew America used to be, the model for the entire world and lead and be an example. Like they say, you know, a sparkling town on a hill.""

Allt vištališ, į Odysee

Eitthvaš til aš hlakka til

"Commenting on the state of play ten months since Russia mounted a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said that it is a fateful time for Europe and that things could go horribly wrong and spill over from a proxy into a direct conflict between Russia and the NATO alliance.

Russian president Vladimir Putin, for his part, said that any negotiations would be difficult given that trust for the West in Moscow is currently  almost at zero.

The Russian leader cited a recent interview given by former German chancellor Angela Merkel, in which she appeared to imply that the motivation behind the 2014 Minsk agreement was merely to give Ukraine time to build up its military.

"Their point was only to load up Ukraine with weapons and prepare it for hostilities. We see that. Honestly, we may have realized that too late, and maybe should have started all this sooner," Putin said in response to the Merkel interview on Friday."

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