Twitter er uppspretta mikillar skemmtunar nśna

Og ér er ekki einusinni į Twitter.



Smį greining į įstandinu. Į Rumble.

Fyndiš žvķ žaš er satt.

Justin Trudeau viršist ekki įtta sig į aš fólk hefur ašgang aš öllum heimsins upplżsingum nśna

"Replies to Trudeau's tweet outnumber likes by almost three to one as of Sunday afternoon, as thousands of users express their anger and frustration over his hypocrisy."

Žaš eru ekki allir bśmerar sem eru bara meš feisbśkk.


"More Canadians have been euthanized by the government than have died from Covid.

At the time of writing, fewer than 50,000 Canadians have succumbed to Covid. The number of euthanized individuals in Canada through 2021 was 31,000. If the increasing rate of MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying) continues, euthanasia deaths will surpass Covid deaths."

Um aš gera aš breiša śt strķš

"The Pentagon has given its tacit endorsement of Ukrainian attacks inside Russian territory and no longer fears such operations could lead to a "dramatic" Russian escalation, The Times reported on Friday, citing unnamed US defense officials. The US position appears to only be based on the fact that up to this point, Russia hasn’t responded to attacks on its territory with nuclear weapons or by attacking NATO countries."

... jęja.

Mašurinn vinnur öll veršlaunin

Žetta er gott.  Klikkiš į žetta.

Eitthvaš evil scheme ķ startholinum?

"The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security partnered with the World Health Organization and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to conduct “Catastrophic Contagion,” an exercise to simulate a global pandemic that is deadlier than the coronovirus and especially dangerous for children."

Raunveruleg įstęša žess aš rafbķlar uršu undir ķ samkeppninni į sķnum tķma

"EVs gained popularity some 120 years ago but range, lack of infrastructure, and purchase price stifled them."

Žetta śtskżrir ekki hvers vegna žeir hęttu meš Chevrolet EV 1.  Žaš mįl er enn allt hiš dularfyllsta.

Mašur aš fara yfir žį miklu snilld sem er "Rings of Power."  Ķ teorķunni byggt į Lord of the Rings, en ég kannast ekki viš neitt af žessu žašan.

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