Falun Gong ofl.

Hvað segir Falun gong í dag?

"A CHINESE VETERAN was persecuted for years until the lasting effects of torture killed him this October. Even after his death, the CCP authorities who persecuted him continued to harass his family and went as far as going to his burial site to verify his death."

Falun Gong í dag.  Enn ofsóttir af CCP.



Evrópubandalags skandall

"Since erupting last weekend with police raids on MEPs’ homes and offices in the European parliament, the Qatargate scandal has done nothing but mushroom. What began as a criminal probe into current and former MEPs and parliamentary assistants implicated in a bribery ring aimed at burnishing the public image of the current World Cup host has widened significantly — not only in terms of the number of people involved but also the number of organizations and third countries, which now also include Morocco."

Veruleikinn er farinn að verða óhjákvæmilegur

"The Australian government should be urgently investigating the “incredibly high” 13% excess death rate in 2022, the country’s peak actuarial body says.

An extra 15,400 people died in the first eight months of the year, according to a new analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics (“ABS”) data by the Actuaries Institute, with around one-third of those having no link to Covid."

Sjáið hvað gersit hér frá jólum fram í miðjan Febrúar.

Epstein & félagar

"Newly unsealed emails show that Sarah Ransome, an alleged victim of late serial abuser and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, claims to have copies of blackmail videos the sicko made of his famous friends abusing girls.

Ransome also claims that her friend went to police, who "heavily intimidated her" and covered up the crimes."

Kvikmynd ársins 2023, held ég.

Ekki skjóta úr sprengjuvörpu innandyra

"Poland’s top police officer was hospitalised after firing a grenade launcher gifted to him by Ukraine in his office"

Menn fá alltaf allskyns brilljant hugmyndir þegar þeir eru háttsettir.


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