AMK einn draugur


AI gert?

"The New York Times came under fire Sunday for publishing a crossword puzzle resembling a Nazi swastika, with readers pointing out its appearance coincided with the first day of the festival of Hanukkah, which commemorates the liberation of the Jewish people."


Englendingur hittir draug

"The 52-year-old claimed she quickly pulled out her phone and captured a scary white silhouette crossing the path in front of her as she followed it with a torch."

Bara jákvætt.

Það er löglegt að senda flóttamenn til Rwanda

"Under the plan, migrants who fell under certain categories — including most brought to the UK as stowaways or boat migrants by people smugglers — could be eligible to be removed to Rwanda by the British government. Those migrants could then claim asylum in Rwanda and live there, but while their claims were being processed would live in hostels paid for by the British government."

Bretinn sleppur ekki við að borga fyrir þetta.

Fregnir úr trúðaheimu

"Antifa-backed trans sex offender at center of WiSpa controversy arrested after months on the run...

In June 2021, a video recorded at Wi Spa went viral. It showed women complaining about a nude man in the women's section. The incident was dismissed as a transphobic hoax by left-wing press. I investigated & found out a sex offender was the suspect."

Þetta var ekki vandamál fyrir mjög stuttu.

Serbar í Kosovo

"Hundreds of demonstrators gathered at the Jarinje border crossing to support Serbs who have been protesting for nine days by barricading the roadways in northern Kosovo."

Veit ekki meir.

Á millistriðsárunum var líka stríð

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