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Þið hafið svosem séð þessi gögn aður, en þau eru góð

"Once the vaccines entered the market, a variety of red flags began going off indicating that these vaccines were killing people, and rather than address these concerns, the government—in concert with the media—chose to deny any of this was occurring. Instead they mandated the vaccines upon the entire population."

Fólk segist fíla vísindi, en er í raun mjög andvígt þeim.

Evrópusambandið að skjóta sig í báða fæturna, aftur

"An EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) will be set up to equalise the price of carbon paid for EU products operating under the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) and the one for imported goods. This will be achieved by obliging companies that import into the EU to purchase so-called CBAM certificates to pay the difference between the carbon price paid in the country of production and the price of carbon allowances in the EU ETS."


Mjög gott fyrir alla nema Afríku.  En, Rússar eru smám saman að verða ríkir á viðbrögðum EB við Úkraínu-stríðinu...

Satt, þó þið viljið ekki heyra það.

Svíar slíta samstarfi við barnageldara

"Swedish health authorities have officially broken ranks with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) with the announcement that gender clinics will no longer be attempting to perform experimental sex changes on under-18s but will instead offer psychological support to help youth live with the healthy body they were born with."

Hvað þeir voru að starfa með barnageldurunum í upphafi er annað mál.


Á meðan, í Rússlandi

"'Granny Ripper' Dr Svetlana Shilyaeva, 66, has confessed to stabbing Yuliya Pazylova, 29, to death as she took a shower.

She then hacked her body to pieces, throwing her head and pelvis into the reservoir of a dammed river, and distributing other body parts in the neighbourhood in Tula region."

Þessir rússar.

Það er ekki bara Íslenska ríkið sem vill rústa eigin landi.

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