Alveg vitaš.



Žetta veršur plįga į nżju įri lķka

"The Durham Police Department has confirmed that eight sudden deaths were among the 329 reported events they received on Christmas Day in Durham, England.

According to BBC, none of the deaths are believed to be suspicious.

These fatalities are being described as extremely frightening in a video that is currently circulating online, claiming that usually, the average sudden death is less than 1 per week."

Žiš viljiš ekki ręša neitt um žetta.

Eitthvaš nżtt jólalag frį Mumford & Sons

Texasbśar undirbśa komu flóttamanna

"A group of what appear to be illegal immigrants were caught on video in early December attempting to break into a home in Edwards County, Texas, which is nearly fifty miles away from the United States-Mexico border.

FOX News' Bill Melugin shared the footage on Twitter and reports that the homeowner stated that this was not the first time illegal immigrants had tried to break into her home, and that to deter future attacks she had invested $13,000 into beefing up security on her property."

Žessu tengt:

Žetta veršur svona hérna.  Nema fólk almennt mun ekki geta variš sig, og veršur žess vegna bara aš sętta sig viš aš vera naušgaš til dauša.

En, žaš vill fólk, svo ég verš bara aš samglešjast žvķ.  Žó ég skilji žaš ekki.

Į mešan, ķ Skotlandi

"The Scottish police are under fire, and for good reason, as they attempt to make a language change that would show grace towards child sexual predators and take a step toward normalizing pedophilia."

Skotar žurfa sįrlega mjög harkalega hęgri-sveiflu, og žaš sem fyrst.


Svisslendingar meš einhverjar pęlingar

"The most popular party in Switzerland, the Swiss People’s Part (SVP), known for its agrarian roots and opposition to mass immigration, is set to pursue a referendum calling for the renegotiation of international treaties, or even their complete abandonment, if the Swiss population hits 10 million.

Dettling warns that economic migration remains high, especially from groups known for their difficulty integrating into Switzerland, a fact highlighted by Switzerland’s alarming prison population data.

"Today, there is very strong economic migration," says Dettling. 

"Whoever has set foot in Switzerland will never leave the country. Migrants from Africa have welfare rates of 34 percent.""

Žaš veršur įhugavert aš fylgjast meš žessu.

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