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Skemmtilegt yfirlit yfir įriš sem var aš lķša.

Įramótastemmingin ķ Berlķn

"German youth in migrant-heavy neighborhoods once again turned Berlin and other German cities into war zones on New Year’s Day, but this year, news reports indicate that attacks were especially brutal and targeted rescue services, including ambulance workers."

Įramótastemming į Ķrlandi

"Four males have been brought to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries in Ireland after a mass stabbing event at one of the country’s many migrant hotels."

AT&T, veršugur arftaki Nostradamusar.

Žaš mį ekki kęra hvaša krimma sem er

"The US Virgin Islands Attorney General who filed a lawsuit against JP Morgan over the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking scandal has been fired.

Denise George last week filed a lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase for alleging the bank profited from Epstein’s sex trafficking scheme."


Ķ framtķšinni munu 14 įra tölvunördar gets slökkt į löggubķlum...

"The website Motorious reported on Friday that former Georgia Congressman Bob Barr has been sounding the alarm on a terrifying item buried within the Biden-McConnell “infrastructure” legislation, which passed in August 2021. According to Barr, the government will now have the power to shut off your vehicle if they determine you are partaking in any “illegal” activity."

... og sjśkrabķlum, slökkvibķlum... good times.

Allir vilja vera Nostradamus

Allir leftistarnir fluttu af Twitter yfir į Mastodon...

"An investigation conducted by Secjuice has revealed that some of the largest communities within the social media platform Mastodon are communities containing child pornography. Mastodon first experienced a "flood of child porn" being posted in their communities in 2017, and by 2022, the two largest child pornography communities were second and third on the leaderboards, with only having more users.

New Twitter owner and CEO Elon Musk has made the eradication of child exploitation content a top priority on the platform. Prior to Musk's takeover, there was little effort put into removing this content from the platform."

Félagshyggjufólk og viršing žeirra fyrir mannslķfum...

Allir vilja frekar bśa ķ Idaho

"Wallowa County in eastern Oregon submitted a petition aimed at forcing a ballot initiative in 2023 that would move the county out of Democrat-led Oregon and into GOP-led Idaho and is part of the Greater Idaho movement aimed to relocate the Oregon/Idaho border to make both states better."

Gott fyrir žį.  Vonum aš žetta gangi bara vel.

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