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Menn eitthvađ neikvćđir fyrir nýja árinu.

Allur vísindaskáldskapur síđan 1818 varar viđ svona löguđu

"Designing a killer virus evidently was just a little test run for the Chicoms. Now they might unleash mankind’s most notorious insect to supposedly “vaccinate” wildlife and reduce viral infections.

The researchers found that bites in wildlife from genetically modified mosquitoes triggered a strong, long-lasting immune response... 

Back in 2018, a British Biotech company called Oxitec Ltd. unleashed genetically altered mosquitos in Brazil to reduce the mosquito population. The first months seemed successful as the mosquito numbers declined.

Unfortunately, the insects adapted and the population bounced back with a vengeance 18 months later. The GMO mosquitos and wild populations also successfully mated to form mutant hybrids."

Hver ţarf ekki fleiri plágudreifandi meindýr?

Amazon dregur saman seglin

"Salesforce told employees early Wednesday that 10% of its workforce would be cut. And the layoff announcements keep coming, as Amazon told employees last night that thousands of jobs would be eliminated due to uncertain macroeconomic conditions."

Vegna ástands sem ţeir áttu ţátt í ađ búa til sjálfir...

Horfum á ţennan krókódíl

Tyrkir ađ hjálpa Uygurum frá ţjóđarmorđi

"The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is “disturbed” by Turkey’s support for Uyghurs, one of China’s largest Muslim minorities, as Turkey refused to extradite Turkic Uyghurs to China, a Turkish official said on Dec. 29.

Cavusoglu cited a 2022 U.N. report detailing abuses allegedly committed by the CCP against Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in China’s Xinjiang region, which it states amounted to crimes against humanity and called for immediate action from the international community."

Tveir Antifa kveikja í sér.

Tik tok gerir krakka ruglađa

"The effects of social media on children’s developing brains has long been a topic of concern for parents and policymakers. Now, the New York Times reports that a new study by neuroscientists at the University of North Carolina has shed some light on the issue, using brain scans to track the effects of social media use on middle school students aged 12 to 15, a period of rapid brain development.

However, whether these brain changes are beneficial or harmful is not yet clear. On the one hand, increased social sensitivity could be seen as adaptive, indicating that the teenagers are learning to connect with others. On the other hand, increased social sensitivity may lead to other issues, such as social anxiety and depression."

Kínverska MK Ultra.  Allt í vinnzlu.  Kemur allt í ljós fljótlega.


4Chan veltir hlutunum fyrir sér

Pútín í jólaskapi

"President Vladimir Putin has ordered the Russian military to impose a cessation in hostilities in Ukraine.

According to the Kremlin, the truce is to last from noon local time on Friday January 6 until midnight on Saturday January 7."

Kemst ţú í hátíđarskap?



Ţađ sem viđ vissum öll innst inni:

"Overall, we provide a novel finding that self-perceived attractiveness has significant effects on mask-wearing intention via mask attractiveness belief in the post-pandemic of COVID-19. Our findings suggest that mask-wearing can shift from being a self-protection measure during the COVID-19 pandemic to a self-presentation tactic in the post-pandemic era."

Fólk var og er enn međ ţessar grímur ţví ţađ er svo ljótt.

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