Tann-įrįsir og kynžįttahyggju-stęršfręši

Heimska fólks er endalaus:

Bretar hafa fórnaš gešheilsu barnanna sinna fyrir ekkert

"Elaine Lockhart, chairwoman of the child and adolescent psychiatry faculty at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, said the rise in referrals for children and young people reflects a “whole range” of illnesses including psychosis, suicidal thoughts, and severe anxiety disorder.

Lockhart said children and young people’s mental health had been getting worse before the pandemic.

“When the lockdowns and pandemic struck, that really had such a negative effect on a lot of children,” she added.

“Those who had been doing well became vulnerable and those were vulnerable became unwell,” she said.

“And part of that was about children themselves feeling very untethered from the day-to-day life that supports them, but also seeing their own parents struggle, and then that collective heightened sense of anxiety and loss of control we all had really affected children,” said Lockhart."

Ég endurtek: fyrir ekkert

"The median IFR was 0.0003 percent at 0–19 years, 0.002 percent at 20–29 years, 0.011 percent at 30–39 years, 0.035 percent at 40–49 years, 0.123 percent at 50–59 years, and 0.506 percent at 60–69 years...

A recent study that analyzed children between the ages of 5 and 17 who had received Pfizer COVID-19 shots found an elevated risk of heart inflammation among children as young as 12 years old."

Minna en ekkert.

Jane Goodall vill drepa alla ķ heiminum

"Jane Goodall at the World Economic Formum… We can solve climate change by depopulating the earth by a mere 7.5 billion people."

Allt sem kemur frį WEF er vont.  Allir sem koma nįlęgt WEF eru vondir.

Mannęta ręšst į eldri borgara

"Police in Gresham, Oregon responded to reports of a stabbing early Tuesday morning at the Cleveland Transit Station, but when officers responded they discovered the suspect still on top of the victim and realized the incident wasn’t a stabbing, but that the suspect had "chewed off the victim's ear and part of his face."

That source tells me the suspect admitted to alcohol, marijuana, and fentanyl use before the attack. They say the suspect punched the victim repeatedly before attacking his face, telling us one ear was entirely bit off and the victim’s skull was visible after the incident."

Munn-įrįs, framkvęmd af óšum tanna-manni.

Bjįnar reyna aš lęra ó-vestręna stęršfręši

hvaš sem žaš nś er: "Math teachers in Ontario are invited to take part in a two-day annual retreat in February to deepen their understanding of Indigenous mathematics. 

The idea that math is racist has been circulating for some time now. In September last year, Heather Theijsmeijer, a Canadian teacher, drew media attention for saying that "There are many math education practices that we (white folk) don't see as racist or supremacist, because they are so ingrained in our background and experiences (and we have been the ones to benefit from them.)""

... jęja.

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