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Ágæt kenning

"Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a pawn of the global elite in service of the New World Order, according to a bombshell admission by his half-brother Kyle Kemper, who goes on to claim that Justin does not write his own speeches or tweets but instead performs scripts written for him by his globalist overlords.

It’s not the first time someone close to Justin Trudeau has raised serious questions about very dark topics.

Christopher Charles Ingvaldson, a long-term close friend of Justin Trudeau, was found guilty of child pornography charges after being caught directing an international pedophile ring."

Eitthvað meira sem má ekki tala um.

Alltaf vandræðalegt

"Young CTV News reporter Jessica Robb starts slurring her words, appears to go into medical distress, and looks like she’s about to collapse live on air during the 6pm show tonight."

Brazzarnir furðu friðsamir

"Last night the national police arrested a number of protesters until the army stepped in to protect them.  The protesters went to the army’s location and the army reportedly stepped in to protect the protesters from Lula’s police."

Her versus lögregla.

Stutt í þjóðarmorð í Þýzkalandi

"Nancy Faeser, Germany’s allegedly Antifa-linked Interior Minister, is preparing legislation that will ban “dangerous” semi-automatic weapons from being owned by private individuals, reports suggest.

... despite the country’s already draconian gun control laws, Germany has seen numerous mass shootings over recent years, including one which took place at Heidelberg University last year."


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