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Hér er góð greining á þessu eftir ágætan mann

"Hægt hefði líka verið að stilla upp annarri glæru í námsefni nemenda undir yfirskriftinni. "Nokkrir merkir sósíalistar"

Þar hefðu þá verið nöfn þeirra Adolfs og Benito, sem fyrr ásamt t.d. Katrínar Jakobsdóttur, Kristrúnar Flosadóttur og Gunnars Smára Egilssonar."

Gott skot, sérstaklega í ljósi þess að Kata Jak er alvöru fasisti (undirtegund: glóbalisti) og Gunnar Smári hljómar alveg eins og Hitler.  Að ég held viljandi.  Hlýtur að vera.

En svona er nú heilaþvotturinn.

Biden dreifir leynilegum gögnum eins og confetti

"Attorney General Merrick Garland assigned a U.S. attorney to review the roughly ten classified documents that were found in an old office of President Joe Biden, CBS News reported on Monday."

Þeir hefðu átt að vera í meiri fýlu út í Trump út af svona löguðu.

En Biden gerði þetta, og allir yppa bara öxlum, enda er hann óviti.


Þetta venjulega

"An 18-Year-old has #diedsuddenly while playing basketball, collapsing and dying suddenly right on the basketball court."

Það fer að bera mikið á krabbameini í ár.


"Back in March Dowd said that U.S. millennials, aged 25-44, experienced a record-setting 84% increase in excess mortality during the final four months of 2021.

The numbers from August confirmed his earlier report and revealed an excess mortality rate of 36% for millennials following the introduction of the COVID vaccines.

Then in April 2022, Ed Dowd reported on the same pattern of excess deaths in Canada."

Ég gerði ekkert.


Raðmorð eru lögleg núna.

Vesturlönd eru skotfæralaus


Á meðan, í Póllandi

"The Polish military will create a new infantry division equipped with state-of-the-art hardware in the eastern part of the country, Poland’s Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak has said. 

According to the minister, the division will comprise four brigades, separated into four battalions. A division is a military formation, consisting of between 6,000 to 25,000 troops.

The new forces will be armed with US-made Abrams and South Korean K-2 tanks, locally-made Krab and Korean K-9 howitzers, as well as reconnaissance drones, he said."

IMG_3441 (X)

Trannar eru pedóar

"Between 2015 and 2019, the number of cases reported to police of female-perpetrated child sex abuse in the U.K. increased by 84 percent, according to a report by the BBC. These figures were discussed in a 35-minute BBC Radio 4 segment, but at no point during the broadcast did anyone mention the possibility that many of the female pedophiles were very likely to be male."

Þessi ræma er public domain í ár.

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