

"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez·

Did you know that ongoing exposure to NO2 from gas stoves is linked to reduced cognitive performance
Ronny Jackson
.@aoc says gas stoves cause “reduced cognitive performance” - yet she uses a gas stove? Is this a self diagnosis? AOC, as a medical doctor, I can tell you this: what’s wrong with your head IS NOT caused by stoves. Something WAY BIGGER is causing your decreased cognitive function!"
Jį, žeir vilja vķst banna ofna, žessir Amerķsku kommar. 
"Shawnee Elementary School announced the death of Evelyn Bauer, a kindergarten student attending the school."
Žetta er ekki normal.
"On Tuesday night, a 16-year-old Odessa-Montour girls’ hoops standout suffered a stroke while in school."
Žeir borga ekki manninum.
"At least $54 million has been donated by Chinese Communist Party-linked individuals or entities between 2014 and 2019 to the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington at the University of Pennsylvania, according to public records reported by the New York Post, where it was revealed this week that Biden had stashed a trove of classified documents."
Ętli žeir séu aš borga fyrir aš fį aš glugga ķ žessi leynilegu skjöl?

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