Yfirvöld allstaðar falla í hagfræði að eilífu

Lífið í sósíalísku hagkerfi

"The latest unemployment figures are very concerning, but what is even more worrying is to analyse the “shadow unemployment”. In its latest Economic Outlook or Europe 2023-24 report, UBS shows the significant difference between official unemployment in the euro area and the hidden unemployment coming from furloughed jobs and unoccupied workers that do not count as official unemployed.

The first source of rigidity is labour costs. The high social security and labour taxes make it more challenging for businesses to reduce unemployment. The tax wedge on work is so elevated in countries like Spain or Greece that a business pays almost 1,800 euros for a 1,000 net salary. If we add to a high tax wedge a strong of regulatory burdens and penalties, it shows that a system designed to protect workers is, in fact, leaving millions behind, particularly the young."


Hönd dauðans aftur.

"Kerry claims to be behind efforts to reduce carbon emissions based on fake science, but is that really what he is after?

He shared what he really wants.  It’s not climate control, it’s money.  Lots and lots of money.

"So how do we get there?" Kerry asked about keeping global climate goals alive. He answered, "Well, the lesson I’ve learned in the last year — I learned it as secretary of state and it has since been reinforced in spades, is money, money, money, money, money, money, money.""

Til samanburðar: Trump

"I'm here today to represent the interests of the American people," Trump began. "The world is witnessing the resurgence of a strong and prosperous America ... There has never been a better time to hire, to build, to invest, and to grow in the United States." 

He went on to slam regulation as "stealth taxation," decrying the fact that "unelected bureaucrats ... have imposed crushing and anti-business and anti-worker regulations on our citizens with no vote, no legislative debate, and no real accountability."



"A robot lawyer operated by AI technology will help fight a traffic offender’s ticket next month.

The robot was created by tech startup DoNotPay."

Það væri öllum til hagsbóta að skifta öllum möppudýrum út fyrir svona græju.

"In the year 5555
Your arms are hanging limp at your sides
Your legs got nothing to do
Some machine is doing that for you."

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1 Smámynd: Rúnar Már Bragason

Auðvitað falla yfirvöld á hagfræðiprófinu. Allir hagfræðingarnir í vinnu geta ekki komið sér saman um eitt né neitt svo eftir stendur yfirvaldið: Úllen dúllen doff ...

Rúnar Már Bragason, 17.1.2023 kl. 19:03

2 Smámynd: Guðmundur Ásgeirsson

Frekar myndi ég verja mig sjálfur en láta tölvu um það.

Guðmundur Ásgeirsson, 18.1.2023 kl. 13:55

3 Smámynd: Ásgrímur Hartmannsson

Hagfræðingar þurfa að þekkja sálfræði og sögu.  Með þann bakgrunn er hægt að hitta á nokkurnvegin hvað gerist við hverjar aðstæður.

Flestir kunna bara á excel eða Reða eitthvað slíkt.  Það eru bara reikniforrit, og gefa kolrangar niðurstöður í veruleikanum.

Og já... veit ekki með þetta lögfræði vélmenni.  En hugmyndin er solid.

Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 18.1.2023 kl. 16:10

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