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"The U.S. Freedom Flyers Josh Yoda, he’s the president of the U.S. Freedom Flyers. He says they’re getting calls from wealthy businessmen to fly their executives around on business jets with unvaccinated crew."

Fólk reynir hvað það getur að vekja athygli BC á málinu

"stickers of the vaccine injured are place on the BBC headquarters, a reminder of the contribution they have made to this public health crisis."

Twitter files.... aftur


"Journalist Lee Fang released the new Twitter Files: How the pharmaceutical industry lobbied social media to shape content around vaccine policy.

global drug giants saw the crisis as an opportunity for unprecedented profit. Behind closed doors, pharma launched a massive lobbying blitz to crush any effort to share patents/IP for new covid-related medicine, including therapeutics and vaccines.

BIO, the lobby group that represents biopharma, including Moderna & Pfizer, wrote to the newly elected Biden admin, demanding the U.S. gov sanction any country attempting to violate patent rights and create generic low cost covid medicine or vaccines."

Hvað eiga þeir eiginlega mikið af þessu?

Það vantar bara borgarastyrrjöld í Kína núna, og við erum með sömu aðstæður og rétt fyrir WW2.

Winner dagsins

"A 25-year-old doctor of Pharmacy died suddenly in Pittsburgh in December, just before her father was rushed to the ICU, [...] Dr. Lindsay Ann Heck, 25, died unexpectedly from an unknown cause on Dec. 20, 2022, as stated in her obituary.

She loved teaching students, doing research, running multiple vaccine clinics and sharing her passion and knowledge with others."

... aha.

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