Hvaš geršist 1988-1993?

Hryšjuverkamašur vann hjį CNN

"An Antifa member in Atlanta has been revealed as the daughter of a "Global Diversity Expert" and a New Jersey-based Chinese pharma tycoon, according to a new report.

Shen herself interned at both Reuters and CNN. According to the Daily Mail, CNN refused to report on the violence after the "conflict of interest" was revealed."

Fjandans kommar.

Ekki einu sinni sama mįliš.

Japanir eyša ekki nęgum tķma ķ rśmi

"The Prime Minister of Japan says the country is in a precarious position as a society over its plummeting birth rate.

"Japan is standing on the verge of whether we can continue to function as a society," said Fumio Kishida, saying that the situation was a case of "now or never.""

Hver er gulrótin?

"Meanwhile, real wages in Japan haven't grown in 30 years, while incomes in South Korea and Taiwan have caught up and overtaken the country."

Žeir žurfa aš laga.  Sem leišir hugann aš žessu:


Žetta er Ķslenski mannfjölda-pķramķdinn.  Hvaš skeši?

Forseti Serbķu flytur oss glešilegan bošskap

"The Serbian president explained that the EU is de facto at war in Ukraine, so it wants its “back yard” – including Serbia – to be brought to heel. His feeling, however, was that the conflict “won’t calm down, but will only spread.”

"You see it now, it's not just Russia versus Ukraine. Soon it will spread to other territories. It is up to us that our country isn't among them," he said."

Allir žrį strķš.  Fįi žeir žaš žį.

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