Evrópa í dag

Spurt er:

"Diljá sagði að ís­lensku lög­in væru ekki búin til í tóma­rúmi og byggðu á nor­rænni lög­gjöf og væru und­ir evr­ópsk­um áhrif­um. 

"[Það] er ljóst að ým­is­legt í okk­ar út­lend­inga­lög­gjöf og fram­kvæmd á ekki hliðstæðu í ná­granna­lönd­um okk­ar. Það þarf ekk­ert að deila um það," sagði hún og bætti við að fólk geti verið ósam­mála um hvort það sé gott eða slæmt. 

"Ef reynsla ná­grannaþjóða okk­ar leiðir til þess að þau ákveða að haga sinni lög­gjöf með ákveðnum hætti, þannig að sam­hljóm­ur er með þeim og við sker­um okk­ur úr. Ættum við þá kannski að leggja við hlust­ir – eins og vana­lega – eða eru þetta allt ein­tóm fífl og fá­vit­ar þarna í Evr­ópu?""

Skoðum nýjustu strauma og stefnur í Evrópulandi:

"Austria has seen a record number of asylum applications in 2022. In fact, asylum applications nearly tripled from 2021, reaching nearly 60,000. The news has shocked Austria and led to a sharp backlash from a population highly skeptical of mass immigration. The FPÖ, more so than any other major party, has made immigration restriction central to their platform.

At the same time, the FPÖ party is the only major party opposed to Russian sanctions, which it blames for creating inflation and economic turmoil in the Austrian and European economy. Many Austrians are sympathetic with this position."

Þessu tengt

"Four shootings and three bombings occurred in the Swedish capital this week, police said on Friday, with a total of 21 such incidents and two deaths since Dec 25.

According to a 2021 report by Sweden’s National Council for Crime Prevention, among 22 countries with comparable data, only Croatia had more deadly shootings, and no other country posted a bigger increase than Sweden in the past decade."

Já.  Það er meira, en látum þetta nægja í bili.

Bill Gates ætlar að halda vindinum í beljunum

"Microsoft co-founder and billionaire Bill Gates believes one of the solutions to combat climate change is to stop cows from burping."


Stuðmenn stuðla að hnattrænni hlýnun.

Á meðan, í Kanada

"Prime Minster Justin Trudeau swarmed by angry protesters outside the Bread Bar in Hamilton, Ontario. Protestors curse and yell, "Tyrant!"

Trudeau's entire fundraising mechanism is to come out from situations like this as the wounded little boy who was been assaulted by vile, scary men.

This kind of schtick has worked for decades on middle-class suburbanites.

But Trudeau and his fellow tyrants pushed too far.

They called their fellow countrymen terrorists for honking horns, destroyed their jobs, shut down their churches, promoted burning their churches, arrested them for inviting mom over past Covid curfew, and locked them out of their own bank accounts."

Allir vilja fara í stríð núna.

"German foreign minister declares war on Russia"

Evrópumenn vlja ólmir borða pöddur

"The new insect-based products for human consumption represent the latest push by the European Union to normalise the consumption of bugs through legislation, with many bigwigs from a variety of organisations pushing insects as a food item for both economic and environmental reasons in recent years."

Ekki borða neitt frá Evrópu.  Það eru pöddur í því.



"Per mile traveled, our British friends are now paying more to charge their electric cars than to gas them up."

Hver er þá tilgangurinn?


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