20.2.2023 | 21:57
Strķši mótmęlt
Ef žetta er alger mķnus og žręlahald, af hverju žį aš vera aš pśkka uppį žetta?
Fólk eitthvaš aš mótmęla hernaši ķ Śkranķu
"Hundreds of protesters gathered in Washington, DC Sunday for the March Against the War Machine rally, which featured speakers form the left and right critical of US support for the war in Ukraine: Ron Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, Dennis Kucinich, Ex Pink Floyd singer Roger Waters and comedian Jimmy Dore. Protests were also held in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Minneapolis."
"The protest under the motto Make Peace was organized by Covid lockdown opponents Munich Stands Up! and was open to all political affiliations. Speakers included Leftist MP Dieter Dehm and journalist Jürgen Todenhöfer, formerly of Merkels Christian Democrats."
Her USA sigrar ekkert strķš meš žessu hugarfari
"the Deparment of Defense reaffirmed their committment to diversity.
"Diversity is a strategic imperative critical to mission readiness and accomplishment. We were on site for the 2023 inaugural @DoD_ODEI Summit as DEIA experts led forums to advance the DEIA and DoD mission -- because our people matter," they said on Twitter."
Meira aš segja Mogginn tekur eftir žessu nśna
"Now, the data has begun to speak for itself, thanks to people like former Blackrock portfolio manager Ed Dowd, who has devoted the last several years to deep-dive research and analysis of pandemic-related data (in fact, he's written an excellent book on the topic). Dowd, along with partners Carlos Alegria and Yuri Nunes, launched Phinance Technologies - where, aside from traditional macroeconomic analysis, they have produced comprehensive reports on pandemic-related disabilities and excess deaths using official data.
In part 3 of our US disabilities analysis we observed that the rise in disability rates post 2/2021 correlates closely with the rollout of the vaccination schedule. When looking at changes in disabilities on a wider time frame (since 2008) we observe that the disability rates rose or fell from month to month but tended to be relatively stable over time. However, as shown in part 1, the change in behaviour since early 2021 is clearly an abnormal occurrence with high level of statistical significance. It happens to be highly correlated to the cumulative Covid-19 vaccine rollout, but we cannot state that the correlation is statistically meaningful as it is based on a cumulative plot with obvious autocorrelation."
Menn hafa gögn. Į mešan segja ašrir įn žess aš blikna aš Kóvid geti drepiš fólk įn žess aš žaš smitist fyrst.
"Philadelphia law enforcement is searching for a man accused of abducting a woman on Saturday while he was driving a golf cart."
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