Allir vilja taka þátt í þriðju heimstyrrjöldinni, en enginn vill vera viðbúinn henni

Eiturefnaslys hefur allskonar afleiðingar

"Residents in East Palestine, Ohio reported rashes and headaches following the massive toxic chemical explosion in their town earlier this month.

Despite reports of illnesses and dead animals, the Biden Regime and local Democrat officials continue to insist the air and water are just fine after the train derailment and toxic disaster.

One local resident told the New York Post his voice “sounds like Mickey Mouse” as if he inhaled helium."


I like to move it move it...

Flórída bannar skólum að sóa tíma nemenda með því að kenna þeim vitleysu

"The bill, HB 999, would also prohibit employers from considering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) while hiring university faculty.

The bill states that general education classes at state universities may not suppress or distort significant historical events or include a curriculum that teaches identity politics, such as Critical Race Theory, or defines American history as contrary to the creation of a new nation based on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence."

Fréttir frá trúðaheimi

"Russia retained its position as Germany’s largest coal supplier last year despite sanctions that banned imports of the fossil fuel from the country in mid-2022"


Allir vilja starta WW3, enginn lætur sér detta í hug að *UNDIRBÚA SIG* fyrir það.  Eða nokkuð, svona almennt.


Feneyjar þorna vegna hækkunar sjávarborðs... eða eitthvað

"Cross Dependency Initiative (XDI), an independent climate risk analysis company, released its “Gross Domestic Climate Risk” (GDCR) rankings, which aim at quantifying the cost of extreme weather and climate change impacts on the built environment by 2050

According to the rankings, Venice is among the cities in Europe most vulnerable to rising sea levels and flooding from climate change...

Italian environmental association Legambiente “sounded the alarm this week,” CBS News declared, as a long stretch of low tides “have left the ancient city with low water and dry canals, making many of its famous waterways unnavigable” for the gondolas and other boats that course its channels."

Loftslagsvísindi: eina vísindakenningin sem gefur alltaf ranga niðurstöðu.

Höfundur Dilbert talar

"Útgefendur fjölda bandarískra dagblaða ákváðu að hætta að birta teiknimyndaseríuna Dilbert eftir reiðilestur höfundarins um blökkumenn. Hann lýsti blökkumönnum sem „haturshópi“ sem hann vildi ekki hafa neitt með að gera."

Svo segir fasista-áróðursveitan Ví

Af andfasíska miðlinum GP

"Adams said during one of his livestreams that all of the viral videos of black people beating up white people had led him to believe that the two races cannot live together peacefully.

The comic book creator also said that white people should stop trying to help black people and cited a poll that found only 53 percent of black people agree with the phrase "it's okay to be white.""

Hefur hann rangt fyrir sér?

Það er endalaust straumur af svona.  Hann sér miklu meira af þessu en við.

Að einhverju allt öðru:

Einn daginn rennur þetta saman við ChatGTP/DAN, og úr verður fysti vél-nazistinn.

Það endar alltaf þannig.


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