Framtíðarsýn sjáenda

FTX gaurinn fer í djeilið

"“The Justice Department has filed charges alleging that Samuel Bankman-Fried perpetrated a range of offenses in a global scheme to deceive and defraud customers and lenders of FTX and Alameda, the defendant’s crypto hedge fund, as well as a conspiracy to defraud the United States government,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said.

Michael J. Driscoll, assistant director of the FBI’s New York office, was blunt about Mr. Bankman-Fried’s misuse of FTX deposits to pay Alameda’s expenses and to make other investments."

Fetar hann í fótspor Epstein?

Morðingi gengur um og myrður fjóra, slasar marga

"The city of Rockford, Illinois, has been plunged into mourning following a horrific stabbing spree that left four people dead and seven others injured on Wednesday afternoon.

Authorities confirmed that the violence unfolded across several locations in the northern Illinois city, approximately 94 miles from Chicago."

Kaninn hefur ekki nógu margar byssur.  Þetta þarf að laga.

Frakkar hafa sín vandamál

"On Wednesday afternoon, a crowd of migrants from Turkey breached security lines at Paris' Charles de Gaulle Airport over the deportation of a friend, injuring 3.

The mob attack came in response to the deportation of a 24-year-old Kurdish activist named Firaz Korkmaz, according to reports:

Korkmaz is apparently a member of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), a militant political group seeking greater rights and autonomy for Kurdish citizens of Turkey."

Nú hafa frakkar vandamál Tyrkja líka.  Gott fyrir þá.

Flórída maðurinn hugsar rökrétt

"In a March 27, 2024, FOX News interview Johnson stood by his comments, noting, “I said [at the press conference] if you shoot accurately, and you kill the guy, you save taxpayers money. And I also said that if somebody gets killed during a home invasion, the odds of them re-offending are zero. And we like those odds, which we do.”"

Á meðan eru þeir fyrir norðan að lúta í lægra haldi fyrir mönnum með frumstæð vopn.

Stanslaust vesen allstaðar.  Jafnvel morðóð alræðisríki eru ekki örugg fyrir reiðu fólki.

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