28.2.2023 | 15:30
Idaho getur bara batnaš.
"December 2021. The German police arresting Santa for not wearing a mask."
Aftur til 1935.
Hugmyndin um aš stękka Idaho veršur sķfellt vinsęlli
"The people who live in these counties are sick and tired of the radical left wing politics that rule their state because of cities like Portland.
Former Oregon House Speaker Mark Simmons penned an op-ed in the Idaho Statesman, a daily newspaper, over the weekend to explain why he supports the so-called Greater Idaho movement, which seeks to incorporate about 13 Oregon counties, or 63% of the states landmass and 9% of its population, within Idahos borders."
...enda er žetta brilljant hugmynd.
USA reynir aš vera minna Ķslensk ķ sinni pólitķk
"The departments inspector general announced it would conduct an audit to determine "whether the Office of the Secretary complied with Federal regulations, policies, and procedures regarding executive travel on DOT aircraft." This comes after Buttigieg reportedly used taxpayer-funded aircraft for at least 18 trips across the United States and internationally."
Žaš er mjög Ķslenskt aš trassa višhald, og sóa almannafé jafnvel meira.
Žegar sömu asnarsnir stjórna į sama hįtt veršur nišurstašan sś sama
"In France, the consumer price index increased by 6.2%, up from 6.0% in January, according to preliminary data from the statistics bureau Insee.
Meanwhile in Spain, which succeeded in containing price growth in the second half of 2022, inflation has now risen for two consecutive months in annual terms. Consumer prices increased 6.1% year-on-year in February, the National Statistics Institute (INE) reports."
Eini munurinn er aš hér er žetta knśši meira af kolefnisgjöldum, žarna er žetta bein hękkun į orkuverši vegna strķšs.
Skattarnir eru allt of hįir allstašar.
27.2.2023 | 14:59
Hér ķ eyjum erum viš bśin aš skifta um orkugjafa. Semsagt, fara ķ orkuskifti, svo mašur noti nżjasta oršskrżpiš.
Viš skiftum śr rafmagni unnu śr fallvötnum yfir ķ rafmagn śr dķsel.
Ja, žaš er ó-ķrónķskt gręn orka.
Virkar vķša.
Į sama tķma styttist ķ aš Reykvķkingar kynni sér olķulausan lķfstķl, bara svona smį, ķ boši SA & Eflingar.
Kannski munu žeir lęra af žvķ allskyns nytsamlega hluti. Viš vonum.
Fjölmišlanefnd fęr styrk til žess aš halda aš okkur meiri lygum
Eins og okkur vantaši žaš.
Athugiš sannleiksgildiš, ég mana ykkur.
25.2.2023 | 21:25
Allir vilja taka žįtt ķ žrišju heimstyrrjöldinni, en enginn vill vera višbśinn henni
Eiturefnaslys hefur allskonar afleišingar
"Residents in East Palestine, Ohio reported rashes and headaches following the massive toxic chemical explosion in their town earlier this month.
Despite reports of illnesses and dead animals, the Biden Regime and local Democrat officials continue to insist the air and water are just fine after the train derailment and toxic disaster.
One local resident told the New York Post his voice sounds like Mickey Mouse as if he inhaled helium."
I like to move it move it...
Flórķda bannar skólum aš sóa tķma nemenda meš žvķ aš kenna žeim vitleysu
"The bill, HB 999, would also prohibit employers from considering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) while hiring university faculty.
The bill states that general education classes at state universities may not suppress or distort significant historical events or include a curriculum that teaches identity politics, such as Critical Race Theory, or defines American history as contrary to the creation of a new nation based on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence."
"Russia retained its position as Germanys largest coal supplier last year despite sanctions that banned imports of the fossil fuel from the country in mid-2022"
Allir vilja starta WW3, enginn lętur sér detta ķ hug aš *UNDIRBŚA SIG* fyrir žaš. Eša nokkuš, svona almennt.
Feneyjar žorna vegna hękkunar sjįvarboršs... eša eitthvaš
"Cross Dependency Initiative (XDI), an independent climate risk analysis company, released its Gross Domestic Climate Risk (GDCR) rankings, which aim at quantifying the cost of extreme weather and climate change impacts on the built environment by 2050
According to the rankings, Venice is among the cities in Europe most vulnerable to rising sea levels and flooding from climate change...
Italian environmental association Legambiente sounded the alarm this week, CBS News declared, as a long stretch of low tides have left the ancient city with low water and dry canals, making many of its famous waterways unnavigable for the gondolas and other boats that course its channels."
Loftslagsvķsindi: eina vķsindakenningin sem gefur alltaf ranga nišurstöšu.
"Śtgefendur fjölda bandarķskra dagblaša įkvįšu aš hętta aš birta teiknimyndaserķuna Dilbert eftir reišilestur höfundarins um blökkumenn. Hann lżsti blökkumönnum sem haturshópi sem hann vildi ekki hafa neitt meš aš gera."
Svo segir fasista-įróšursveitan Vķsir.is.
Af andfasķska mišlinum GP
"Adams said during one of his livestreams that all of the viral videos of black people beating up white people had led him to believe that the two races cannot live together peacefully.
The comic book creator also said that white people should stop trying to help black people and cited a poll that found only 53 percent of black people agree with the phrase "it's okay to be white.""
Žaš er endalaust straumur af svona. Hann sér miklu meira af žessu en viš.
Aš einhverju allt öšru:
Einn daginn rennur žetta saman viš ChatGTP/DAN, og śr veršur fysti vél-nazistinn.
Žaš endar alltaf žannig.
24.2.2023 | 21:37
Transnistria er langt ķ burtu
Rśssar halda aš NATO vilji gera innrįs ķ Transnistrķu
"In a statement released on Friday, Russian diplomats cited data from the countrys Defense Ministry, according to which Ukraine has amassed considerable numbers of military personnel, as well as hardware and artillery on its border with Transnistria. In light of this, Moscow warned the US, NATO member states and their Ukrainian underlings against any further adventurous steps."
Til hvers? Til aš trufla komandi innrįs Rśssa ķ restina af žessum hérušum sem žeir ętlušu aš klįra aš yfirtaka?
Žaš yrši vissulega meira en aš segja žaš fyrir Rśssa aš bregšast viš žvķ. Žarf aš byrja į aš taka Odessa til žess aš geta keyrt žangaš.
"The team at Urban Scoop led by Tommy went to southern Ireland to talk to the women of Ireland, who are leading the charge and talking about the migrant crisis that has led to an epidemic of rape and abuse."
Alls ekkert woke, žessir Ķrar. Į móti naušgunum. Žaš er einhverskonar fóbķa og ismi er ég viss um.
"Ashley Morgan Smithline argued that she had been manipulated by Manson's ex-girlfriend into making false accusations about his conduct."
Afsakanir, afsakanir...
Sjįum til.
23.2.2023 | 21:01
Allir žurfa M-16
Armalite er nśna Amerķku-riffillinn
"The text of the bill has not yet been submitted, but according to congressional records it would declare an AR-15 style rifle chambered in a .223 Remington round or a 5.56x45mm NATO round to be the National Gun of the United States."
Žvķ ekki?
Ég vil meina aš žiš öll žurfiš einn svona AR riffil. Ķ M-16 śtfęrzlunni, žiš vitiš: safe-semi & Fuck You. 16 tommu hlaup, hljóšdeyfi & red-dot, alveg eins og US mil. vill hafa žetta. NATO standard, allt saman.
Af hverju?
Jś, žiš hafiš lįtiš skrį ykkur sem žįtttakendur ķ 3. Heimstyrrjöldina. Žaš var sameiginleg įkvöršun ykkar. Ég var ekki hafšur meš ķ rįšum. Svo jį, žiš žurfiš M-16. Lįgmark 300 skot. Kannski nokkrar handsprengjur lķka.
Rśssarnir hafa AK-12, žaš er voša svipaš tęki, žiš veršiš aš geta mętt žeim į nokkurnvegin jöfnum grunni, ekki satt?
Žiš įkvįšuš žetta. Žiš völduš ykkur andstęšing. Af einhverjum įstęšum.
Hvaš žiš viljiš og hvaš žiš žurfiš er ólķkt. Žiš viljiš WW3, svo nś žurfiš žiš M-16. Einfalt.
"the United States is set to more than quadruple its troop presence on the self-ruled island of Taiwan.
The WSJ details of the question of more troops positioned in Taiwan, "The U.S. plans to deploy between 100 and 200 troops to the island in the coming months, up from roughly 30 there a year ago, according to U.S. officials.""
"NATO has been criticised for a bizarre tweet comparing the Ukraine conflict to Harry Potter and Star Wars."
... jį.
"British defence secretary Ben Wallace has predicted that the United Kingdom will be at war yet again by 2030, warning officials and citizens alike that the nation must invest in its military and prepare for the impending conflict."
Algert lįgmark.
Sameinušu žjóširnar eru samansafn af nazistum
"The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), an agency best known for maintaining a list of humanitys most valuable cultural heritage sites, demanded the establishment of global guidelines for the regulation of social media in a conference on Wednesday to address alleged disinformation."
Illska neitar aš hverfa.
"Describing the assault as a vicious attack by a gang, the family member said that they had found the response of the Gardai to be very upsetting.
"We can't understand it," he said. "We were asked to take down a social media post where we had identified the attackers as foreign nationals, because no one has been arrested and women need to know this information.""
"A suspect dressed as the beloved Sesame Street cooking monster, known for his hunger for sweets, has been terrorizing Santa Cruz, California locals along the coastal city's boardwalk by harassing them to pay him for snapshots with them or their children as well as shouting obscenities and taunts and onlookers."
Allt er til.
Vegna žess aš žaš var hęgt:
Žiš žurfiš... vegna ykkar eigin heimsku.
21.2.2023 | 20:49
Ritskošaš ķ framtķšinni
Žaš er įgętt aš rifja žaš upp aš ein bóka Agöthu Christie hét upprunalega "Ten Little Niggers." Žvķ var breytt tvisvar, įšur en allir uršu įnęgšir.
Engu viš žaš aš bęta.
... jį.
Hver er žessi Onision og af hverju žarf žessi bók meira en 2 klukkutķma?
Ekki Jenna Moreci
Bękur | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)
20.2.2023 | 21:57
Strķši mótmęlt
Ef žetta er alger mķnus og žręlahald, af hverju žį aš vera aš pśkka uppį žetta?
Fólk eitthvaš aš mótmęla hernaši ķ Śkranķu
"Hundreds of protesters gathered in Washington, DC Sunday for the March Against the War Machine rally, which featured speakers form the left and right critical of US support for the war in Ukraine: Ron Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, Dennis Kucinich, Ex Pink Floyd singer Roger Waters and comedian Jimmy Dore. Protests were also held in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Minneapolis."
"The protest under the motto Make Peace was organized by Covid lockdown opponents Munich Stands Up! and was open to all political affiliations. Speakers included Leftist MP Dieter Dehm and journalist Jürgen Todenhöfer, formerly of Merkels Christian Democrats."
Her USA sigrar ekkert strķš meš žessu hugarfari
"the Deparment of Defense reaffirmed their committment to diversity.
"Diversity is a strategic imperative critical to mission readiness and accomplishment. We were on site for the 2023 inaugural @DoD_ODEI Summit as DEIA experts led forums to advance the DEIA and DoD mission -- because our people matter," they said on Twitter."
Meira aš segja Mogginn tekur eftir žessu nśna
"Now, the data has begun to speak for itself, thanks to people like former Blackrock portfolio manager Ed Dowd, who has devoted the last several years to deep-dive research and analysis of pandemic-related data (in fact, he's written an excellent book on the topic). Dowd, along with partners Carlos Alegria and Yuri Nunes, launched Phinance Technologies - where, aside from traditional macroeconomic analysis, they have produced comprehensive reports on pandemic-related disabilities and excess deaths using official data.
In part 3 of our US disabilities analysis we observed that the rise in disability rates post 2/2021 correlates closely with the rollout of the vaccination schedule. When looking at changes in disabilities on a wider time frame (since 2008) we observe that the disability rates rose or fell from month to month but tended to be relatively stable over time. However, as shown in part 1, the change in behaviour since early 2021 is clearly an abnormal occurrence with high level of statistical significance. It happens to be highly correlated to the cumulative Covid-19 vaccine rollout, but we cannot state that the correlation is statistically meaningful as it is based on a cumulative plot with obvious autocorrelation."
Menn hafa gögn. Į mešan segja ašrir įn žess aš blikna aš Kóvid geti drepiš fólk įn žess aš žaš smitist fyrst.
"Philadelphia law enforcement is searching for a man accused of abducting a woman on Saturday while he was driving a golf cart."
19.2.2023 | 19:40
Žess vegna eru Evrópumenn hręddir viš Apabólu
Góšar fréttir fyrir Sigurgeir & félaga
"I give you Spain's new Animal Welfare Law that decriminalizes having sex with animals because zoophiles are just another spectrum on the trans flag."
Žaš er einn hęngur į: "if someone kills a rat in their house they can be find 50,000 euros and can be imprisoned for up to a year and half."
Sigurgeir & co žurfa aš fara varlega meš nagdżrin.
Žetta śtskżrir Apa-bólu panikkiš svo vel.
Meira af kynferšislega brenglušu fólki:
Tranni vill myrša Reyni Traustason
"Samkvęmt heimildum Fréttarinnar į mašur aš nafni Hlynur Mįr Vilhjįlmsson, starfsmašur į Landspķtalanum og transaktķvisti, aš hafa ausiš viškomandi fśkyršum og hótaš lķflįti. Mįliš sé į leiš til lögreglu."
Tranni hótar aš myrša JK Rowling
"A trans activist and author who signed a petition against the New York Times for publishing favorable pieces on publicly gender-critical author J.K. Rowling has publicly threatened to kill her and other "transphobes.""
Hvašan kemur žetta hatur tranna?
"The protest under the motto Make Peace was organized by Covid lockdown opponents Munich Stands Up! and was open to all political affiliations. Speakers included Leftist MP Dieter Dehm and journalist Jürgen Todenhöfer, formerly of Merkels Christian Democrats.
The ruling Green Party used to be the party of the German peace movement, hailing from the Anti-Reagan protests of the 1980s, but now is fully in thrall to the World Economic Forum, Open Society and the National Endowment for Democracy. Green Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is a Young Global Leader and a member of the European Council on Foreign Relations and German Marshall Fund, which funds Twitter censorship of conservative users, as Matt Taibbi reported."
Žetta er sennilega flokkaš sem hatursglępur.
Bretar mótmęla fyrirhugušum fangelsisnżlendum
""The 15-minute neighbourhoods proposal aims to ensure that every resident has all the essentials (shops, healthcare, parks) within a 15-minute walk of their home. They aim to support and add services, not restrict them," the Oxford Council claimed.""
Veriš aš troša į feršafresli fólks.
Vondar fréttir fyrir kommśnista
"A 16-year-old suspected in the fatal shooting of another teenager at an El Paso, Texas, mall on Wednesday was stopped by an armed bystander who wasnt afraid to fire."
Mörgum lķfum bjargaš.
Tragķskt. Ef žś ert hręddur kommśnisti.
Shakespeare var hęgri-öfgamašur
"Works by JRR Tolkien, Aldous Huxley, George Orwell and even William Shakespeare, as well as classic movies The Bridge on the River Kwai and The Great Escape were cited in a list published by the British paper on Saturday as being highlighted by the counter-terrorism watchdog, for their potential use by far-right agitators to promote troublesome viewpoints online."
Talandu um Orwell:
"Roald Dahls publishing company and his heirs have agreed that his works are just too much for childrens sensibilities and must be sterilized, simplified, and even augmented to make them nicer actions that effectively erase everything that made Dahl unique."
Kommśnistar eru menningarsnaušir.
Kommśnistar vilja fangelsa ykkur, skera kynfęrin af börnunum ykkar, naušga dżrunum ykkar, eitra fyrir ykkur og lįta ykkur borša pöddur.
17.2.2023 | 16:45
Andiš aš ykkur fosgeninu, drekkiš dķoxķniš, boršiš pöddurnar
Kommśnistar eru hatursfyllsta fólkiš: (sjį mynd)
Athygli vekur aš Svķar eru ekki jafn hatursfullir og Ķslendingar. Sennilega spurning um gįfur?
Ég sé fram į žaš aš hatursfyllsta fólkiš, žeir sem hata andstęšinga bólusetninga verši miklu fęrri eftir 3-5 įr. Žeir eru allir į leiš ķ 4. sprautu nśna, er ég viss um. Svo žį 5. Svo žaš dregur hratt śr hatri śi framtķšinni.
Svona lķtur hatursfyllsta fólkiš śt.
Žaš mį bišja bęna į almannafęri
"A pro-life activist and a Catholic priest were cleared after both were arrested while silently praying outside an abortion clinic in England, their cases dropped on Thursday."
Hataš fólk.
Drekkti dķoxķniš, andašu aš žér phosgeninu. Og boršašu pöddur. Eša ertu kannski hęgri-öfgamašur?
Stjórnvöld Ķslands taka žįtt ķ peningažvottavélinni
"Varnarmįlarįšherrar žeirra rķkja sem lagt hafa fjįrmagn til sjóšs um varnir Śkraķnu, sem Bretar hafa forystu um aš reka, hittust einnig ķ tengslum viš fundinn. Ķsland hefur veitt sem svarar žremur milljónum sterlingspunda til sjóšsins."
10% for the Big Guy, restin deilist į žį sem samžykkutu žetta, giska ég į. Žaš myndi skżra hversu ólm žau eru ķ aš taka žįtt ķ žessum fjįraustri.
Žau eru aš ręna Rķkissjóš.
Sżndu fram į annaš.
Blöšruklśbbur segir farir sķnar ekki sléttar
"After the Pentagon dispatched fighter jets to shoot down unidentified objects on February 10, 11, and 12 utilizing heat-seeking AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles at over $400,000 a pop, President Biden belatedly admitted that they could just be harmless weather balloons
an Illinois-based hobby group which uses $12 balloons with ham radios for a cheap high-altitude hobby says the object shot down over Yukon Territory on Feb. 11 likely belongs to them."
Gott show.
"credible reports indicate that AFU casualties are nearing 500,000 and are increasing at an unsustainable rate. On the other hand, reports of 100,000 Russian dead are almost certainly wild exaggerations put out by Ukraine. The BBC attempted to verify these numbers and could only find about 20,000 confirmed Russian dead based on extensive searches on funeral notices, public records, etc."
... og žeir hafa landiš sem išnašurinn er į og orkan er ķ. Žeir žurfa bara aš halda žvķ ķ smį stund.
Bara til žess aš Ķslenska rķkiš get stoliš nokkrum milljónum króna.
Youtube hefur mikiš hnignaš.
"The parliamentary committee put out a report with 23 recommendations for the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, among them a call to allow mature minors to seek Medical Assistance in Dying, known as MAiD in Canada.
Canada has become one of the leaders in assisted suicide globally in recent years, with as many as 3.3 per cent of all deaths in Canada in 2021 caused by MAiD. In provinces like Quebec and British Columbia, MAID accounted for around 5 per cent of all deaths that year."
Žaš žurfti aš sannfęra Hitler um aš drepa 1 kryppling. Kanadķska žingiš er langt į undan.
Žaš sleppur enginn:
16.2.2023 | 15:03
2023 er eins og žaš er
Vķsindalegustu vķsindisem nokkurntķma hafa veriš vķsinduš
"Systemic racism alters the demography of urban wildlife populations in ways that generally limit population sizes and negatively affect their chances of persistence."
Ķkornar hata svertingja, segja žessir vķsindamenn.
Žeir trśa ekki einu sinni eigin bulli.
Elon Musk segir glóbalistum aš heimsrķkisstjórn sé vond hugmynd
"Elon Musk warned attendees at the World Government Summit on Wednesday of the dangers of a one-world government.
Q: "I know this is called the World Government Summit, but I think we should be maybe a little bit concerned about actually becoming too much of a single world government, We want to avoid creating a civilizational risk by having, frankly this may sound a little odd too much cooperation between governments.""
Į mešan, ķ Evrópu
Menn finna leišir framhjį śrkynjun gerveigreindar
"The Washington Post reports that the woke limitations placed by OpenAI on its ChatGPT chatbot relating to the discussion of political and other controversial subjects are proving to be more flexible than initially believed. The safeguards that OpenAI installed, including its extreme leftist bias, have been creatively circumvented by users. These jailbreaks show that the chatbot is designed to be more of a rule-follower than a people-pleaser, which raises questions about plagiarism, false information, and potential biases in its programming."
"11 eastern Oregon counties have already voted in favor of joining Idaho. Due to this success, Idaho state lawmakers have introduced legislation to begin discussions with the Oregon State Legislature on relocating the Idaho/Oregon state boundary."
Žetta er allt aš skrķša saman hjį žeim.