15.2.2023 | 14:39
Ef einhverjar vešurfarsbreytingar vęru vandamįliš, žį vęru bara allir sįttir.
"where is the evidence of this climate crisis that these well funded scientists and activists keep talking about? Where are the weather effects? One can see the very tangible results of our ongoing economic crisis; inflation and high prices, floundering consumers relying on credit cards, mass layoffs in the tech industry spreading to other sectors, etc. People are experiencing the downturn and they can witness the consequences for themselves. If the climate cult wants people to take them seriously, they will have to show some kind of visible proof that global warming is real and a legitimate threat.
The problem is, they have no proof, and so they are forced to dishonestly connect every single bad weather event to "climate change" as a means to frighten the public."
Žessu tengt:
Og meira frį USA:
"Sturgeons attempts to push through gender recognition reform is the main source of public dissatisfaction, the paper claimed.
Last month, the UK government intervened to block the controversial piece of legislation that sought to make it easier for Scots to change their gender on official documents."
Allir aš verša pirrašir į vitleysunni ķ henni, svo hśn flżr.
14.2.2023 | 14:03
Róandi ostur ofl.
Ķrland nśna.
Driving that train, high on cocaine
"Emergency responders on Monday responded to two more train derailments.
Residents from neighborhoods near the crash site have been evacuated because of the toxic fumes."
Casey Jones meš žetta.
"Researchers at the Russian Biotechnological University (RosBioTech) say they have developed a special type of cheese that can calm and tranquilize people."
Stemming į pizzu-kvöldi.
"Ég er mįluš upp opinberlega, meš skipulögšum hętti sem transfóbķskur og hatursfullur rasisti. Mér eru geršar upp skošanir į borš viš aš vilja heimila pyntingar į transfólki, afneita tilvist žess og śtrżma žvķ."
Žetta er frįvarp, eša "projection." Trannarnir vilja pynta hana og śtrżma henni. Neita svo aš hśn hafi veriš til. Eins og sönnum kommśnistum sęmir.
Ég vona aš henni gangi sem best ķ barįttu sinni viš žessa žrjóta.
Og žetta eru miklir žrjótar, sem žurfa langa vist į Kleppi og mikiš af lyfjum. Haldol.
Jį, mašur spyr sig...
"More than 2,000 residents were evacuated due to health concerns over the chemical leak but have since been allowed to return.
State health officials were initially concerned about the presence of vinyl chloride, a highly volatile colorless gas produced for commercial uses which spilled in the accident."
13.2.2023 | 19:23
Hver vill ekki meirihįttar eiturefnaslys?
Allir vilja endanlegar lausnir nśna
""I feel like the only solution is pretty clear," Narita, an assistant professor of economics at Yale. "In the end, isn't it mass suicide and mass seppuku of the elderly?"
When it comes to euthanasia, Narita has suggested "the possibility of making it mandatory in the future.""
Žegar menn finna öll svörin hjį Slayer.
"A man drove a U-Haul truck onto a sidewalk, striking and injuring several pedestrians in New York City on Monday before police captured him following a chase.
The official said at least five pedestrians were hurt in the crash, which coincided with the start of the death penalty phase in the trial of Sayfullo Saipov, an Islamic extremist who killed eight people in 2017 by mowing them down with a truck."
Menn vilja senda sęringamann į FBI
"Chris Wrays FBI sent out a memo warning agents of the dangerous radical traditionalist Catholic ideology that was gaining popularity in the country. The memo memo was posted at UncoverDC.com by former FBI special agent Kyle Seraphin.
Seraphin warned Ivorys audience that this targeting of Christians will not end with devout Catholics but will spread out to other Christian demoninations.
Since the story broke, Rep. Harriett Hageman (R-WY) went on with Washington Watch host and Christian leader Tony Perkins and recommended an exorcism be performed on the FBI."
Žaš er alltaf hęgt aš finna lag.
"A man in Houston attempted to rob a hotel while carrying a rifle, but appeared to be shocked when the hotel clerk pulled out a handgun of her own.
Houston police say that the suspect went to the counter with a rifle and demanded that a hotel clerk give him money from a cash drawer.
As the hotel clerk was being held at gunpoint with the rifle, police say that she pulled out a handgun of her own and pointed it at the suspect, who then fled the scene."
Ķ Texas.
"Biden gave the Transportation Secretary job to Buttigieg because he's gay. Since then we've had the supply chain crisis, flights grounded nationwide, and now a train derailment sending toxic chemicals into the air and water. Is this the most disastrous diversity hire in history?"
Vont? Žiš hafiš enga hugmynd.
"Vinyl chloride is a chemical used nearly exclusively for the manufacturing of PVC materials. It is a known carcinogenic that causes liver toxicity."
"That's a giant cloud of polyvinyl chloride and a ton of other bad chemicals The local police blew it up like a beached whale, now megatoxins are Chernobyling Ohio and there's a news blackout and the police are beating reporters and camera people and dragging em"
Phosgene was used as a chemical weapon in the trenches of WWI. In fact, phosgene was the main killer in the compound "mustard gas" that we usually associate with chloramine gas (what you get when you mix ammonia and bleach)."
12.2.2023 | 15:23
Bretar eru svo miklir hęgri-ofgamenn aš žeir vilja ekki barnanaušgara
Fólk fęr žaš sem žaš bišur um...
"A peaceful protest outside a UK hotel housing asylum-seekers turned violent on Friday evening as protestors -- enraged over a recording of an alleged proposition of a minor English girl by a migrant -- reportedly threw bricks and set a police van on fire.
The protest was sparked by a video posted this week by a 15-year-old British girl. She says it captures a self-proclaimed 25-year-old migrant propositioning her -- and persisting even after she tells him she's ten years younger."
... eša žaš sem yfirvöld vilja.
Į mešan berjast Antifa og barnageldarar viš hęgri-öfgamenn
"Left-wing LGBTQ activists clashed with protestors who were standing against the Drag Queen Story Hour UK event at London's Tate museum on Saturday, leading to police intervention when individuals from the two groups began to fight.
British Antifa activists from the "London Anti-Fascist Assembly" as well as the far-left "Transgender Action Block" appeared to organize against those concerned with the pedo-friendly drag performer reading to children."
Žaš er ķ tķzku nśna aš skera undan börnum til aš žóknast pedófķlum.
Žegar fólk trśir ekki į eigin stefnu
"Two climate activists who blocked traffic in the German city of Stuttgart earlier this year missed their court date because they flew to Bali and Indonesia, for a round trip of 23,000 kilometers producing 7.9 tons of CO2 emissions."
Heilindi, hvaš er nś žaš?
Kaninn skżtur nišur hvert UFOiš į fętur öšru
"A US fighter jet has brought down an unidentified object in Canadian airspace, on orders from President Joe Biden and Canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The incident marks the third time the US has destroyed a flying object in the region in recent weeks."
11.2.2023 | 21:53
26 mķnśtur er nęgur tķmi til aš horfa į The Simpsons
Kynskiftur slįtrari... 11 įra stelpa hverfur... nammi.
Yum yum.
Sólin eitthvaš aš vesenast.
Skjöl munu sżna hverjir voru aš pedóast meš Epstein
"The Daily Mail reported Friday that the last batch of Epstein court documents will finally be released four years after the evil financiers highly suspicious death.
The documents, which will be made public in a few months, include information on at least one major public individual."
Lof mér giska: Andrew prins?
Stundum gengur vel... stundum ekki...
"The unexploded bomb in #GreatYarmouth detonated earlier during work to disarm it."
"The Office for Nation Statistics (ONS) figures, which cover England and Wales but not Scotland and Northern Ireland, which have their own information-gathering bodies, put the number of homicides committed using a knife or sharp instrument in the two Home Nations at 282, an increase of almost a fifth (19 per cent) on the previous year and the highest annual total since the Home Office began keeping a Homicide Index in 1946."
Einu sinni framleiddu žeir skammbyssur. Webly, Enfield, Addams... *Allir* gengu um vopnašir. Ekki lengur. Žess vegna er veriš aš stinga alla.
Gott į žį.
Žetta įstand vilja bara kommśnistsr.
26 mķnśtur er nęgur tķmi til aš skera śr žér lifrina og elda hana
"Įrįsarmašurinn fór inn um ólęstar dyr į heimili įrįsaržola og gekk um vopnašur afsagašri haglabyssu. Hann var meš sjö haglaskot og veišihnķf mešferšis. Žaš tók lögreglu 26 mķnśtur aš koma į vettvang."
Rķkiš vill aš žś deyir ķ svona atviki. Žś og allir sem žś žekkir. Svo į löggan aš koma einhverntķma seinna um daginn og leysa glępinn.
"Scandals involving dangerous trans people are not unknown in Conservative-run England, however, with former prisons minister Rory Stewart having revealed that he was made aware of cases in which trans prisoners raped female staff during his time in office, and a National Health Service (NHS) England trust being criticised in Parliament for apparently covering up the rape of a patient by a trans person in what should have been a single-sex ward."
Veruleikafyrrt fólk gerir žjóšsagnakennda og heimskulega hluti.
10.2.2023 | 13:59
Fréttir og vķsindi
Standard OP allstašar:
Umburšarlyndi kemur ekki meš menntun
"A 15-year study of young people in Finland found that education level, nonrational thinking, cognitive potential, and cognitive performance were not associated with social intolerance i.e., intolerance toward different attitudes, lifestyles, cultures, or values of others. On the other hand, higher social intolerance was associated with low flexibility, high perseverance and low persistence. The study was published in Brain and Behavior.
Social intolerance was found to be associated with cognitive styles. People who were more intolerant tended to be more distractible and more perseverant, but less persistent and flexible. When the analysis was repeated with controlling for all other factors included in the study, results showed that people who were more intolerant tended to show lower persistence, lower flexibility and higher perseverance."
Ferlegt torf, en žiš hljótiš aš nį žessu.
Bandarķkjastjórn gefa BRICS crypto-markašinn
"As Biden enters the second half of his term, his crackdown on crypto banking has deflated hopes for a regulatory rapprochement in the US. Many crypto entrepreneurs now tell me that theyre waiting for 2025 and a putative DeSantis regime for things to turn. Some cant wait that long, and are shuttering their plans for businesses which involve any type of regulatory approval, especially with regards to bank charters. Regulators are effectively picking winners with larger, more established crypto firms able to hang on to their bank relationships, while newer ones are shut out. Meanwhile, other jurisdictions are making a bid for their business. Hong Kong has adopted a friendlier tone once again, as has the UK. The UAE and the Saudis are looking to attract crypto firms."
Minnir dįldiš į žegar kirkjan gaf gyšingum banka-markašinn.
"European Union authorities are complaining that Twitter doesnt seem to be taking the blocs fight against disinformation seriously by producing an incomplete report on compliance with its rules on censorship."
Hvaš į žessi and-fasķska hegšun aš žżša?
Barangeldari sér eftir öllu saman
"Another disturbing aspect of the center was its lack of regard for the rights of parents and the extent to which doctors saw themselves as more informed decision-makers over the fate of these children.
My concerns about this approach to dissenting parents grew in 2019 when one of our doctors actually testified in a custody hearing against a father who opposed a mother's wish to start their 11-year-old daughter on puberty blockers."
Allir vilja skera kynfęrin af börnum nś til dags.
10.2.2023 | 12:00
Efling mun koma śt meš tapi
"Var Sólveig Önnu og hinum žremur bošiš inn, til fundar viš Katrķnu, viš mikinn fögnuš mótmęlenda."
Okey, skošum žetta ašeins...
Fólk sem vinnur į hótelum er ķ verkfalli. Nś er utan annatķma, svo hótelin eru ekki aš gręša. Góšur tķmi fyrir žau aš hafa alla ķ verkfalli.
Lįtum lyggja milli hlita hvort žau hafa efni aš aš borga fólki 5000 kall aukalega į mįnuši eša ekki. Skošum ķ stašinn ķ hvaš launin fara:
Til žess aš lifa žarf fólk aš borša, og borgarbśar lifa ekki į svartfugli og marhnśt sem žeir veiša ķ nįgrenninu. Žau fara śt ķ bśš og kaupa mat sem hefur veriš ręktašur į bżli, og ekiš žangaš meš trukk.
Svo žau eru rukkuš um kolefnisgjald ķ boši Katrķnar.
Aušveldlega 10.000 kall į mįnuši žar.
Fólk hitar matinn, og gerir žaš ķ birtu frį žar til geršum rafljósum. Rafmagn hękkaši talsvert ķ verši žegar rķkiš įkvaš aš Evrópumenn ęttu aš stjórna veršlagi hér, og žaš mun hękka miklumeira žegar fariš veršur aš selja žaš śr lendi meš streng.
Aušveldlega annar 10.000 kall žar.
Hver vinnandi mašur žarf aš borga fyrir Fasista-įróšursveitu Rķkisins, eša RŚV, eins og žaš er kallaš.
20.000 į įri.
Sykurskattur er tekinn af żmsum matvęlum, td kaffi, og af fiski žarf aš greiša aušlindagjald. Svo er umbśšagjald og śrvinnzlugjald.
Aušveldlega 10.000 kall.
Bara svona tilfallandi kostnašur sem kemur vinnuveitanda ekkert viš, en fįtękt fólk žarf aš standa straum af.
Meira en 30K į mįnuši. Žegar žś ert meš 300K ķ mįnašarlaun munar um žann pening. En rķkiš vill peninginn, til žess aš senda hann ķ einhverjar evrópustofnanir. Vegna žess aš fokk žś.
Vķsindi og fręši | Breytt s.d. kl. 13:12 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
9.2.2023 | 16:58
Ólöglegt, en ekki sišlaust
Menn mega ekki reyna aš gefa frišinum séns
"Pink Floyds primary song writer and creative force Roger Waters has been viciously verbally attacked by his own former band mate David Gilmour as a Putin apologist for calling for peace in Ukraine."
Og hvaš sagši peyinn svona stušandi: "[Putin] launched it on the basis of reasons that if I have understood them well are: 1. We want to stop the potential genocide of the Russian-speaking population of the Donbas. 2. We want to fight Nazism in Ukraine, Waters said in the interview."
Ekkert mį.
Twitter var einu sinni fullt af Woke įróšri
".@RepMTG to Yoel Roth: "You permanently banned my Twitter account but you allowed child porn all over Twitter.""
Žaš tók 48 tķma aš henda öllum Woke įróšrinum af Twitter.
"The FBI warned against radical traditionalist Catholic ideology in a memo posted to UncoverDC.com by former FBI special agent Kyle Seraphin."
Mįttur Krists knżr žį ekki įfram, bżst ég viš.
Ekki einu sinni žaš asnalegasta sem hefur gerst.
Ég held mikiš meš žessum Gušjóni
"Žaš er enn opiš og ekki bśiš aš taka įkvöršun um žaš, segir Ólafur Žór Hauksson hérašssaksóknari um mįl Gušjóns Valdimarssonar, föšur rķkislögreglustjóra"
Žessu gaur er mašurinn. Jį, hann gerši ólöglega hluti, og hann grši į viš fyndnustu hugsanlegu ašstęšur. En hann gerši ekkert ósišlegt.
"On Wednesday, Republicans in the House of Representatives, in a highly partisan vote, passed a bill that would end the requirement for foreign travelers into the United States to be vaccinated for Covid-19."
Nś žarftu ekki lengur aš lįta eitra fyrir žér til žess aš komast til USA.
8.2.2023 | 17:31
Gervigreind vs almennur skortur į raunverulegri greind
"The Catholic Schoolboy who spoke out against transgenders in the schools womens bathrooms and who shared that there are only two genders has been arrested.
On Monday, the young man was arrested for attending school."
Hęttulegur drengur. Hann hefši geta rušst inn og tilkynnt öllum aš 2 + 2 = 4.
"A Chinese government-linked surveillance company has no place on the grounds of our most sacred monument to Australians who fought and died for freedom, Paterson told the Canberra Times. The politician added when speaking to ABC TV that he was working on a full audit of the governments departments and agencies to assess exposure to possible surveillance by Beijing. Paterson is certain that Chinese-made cameras pose national security risks."
Vissulega raunveruleg hętta.
Žaš mį skjóta eldflaugum śr blöšrum lķka
"The stunning footage displays a high-altitude balloon, not dissimilar from the one that traversed over the United States last week, carrying three hypersonic glide vehicles (HGVs) into high altitude and dropping them for testing.
Chinese state broadcaster CCTV reported on the weapons test in September 2018. The footage has since been deleted from Chinese media, but photographs and short clips can still be found online."
Bara nęst.
Žetta er merkilegt.
Dżrasta heilbrigšiskerfiš į jöršinni
"As Statista's Katharina Buchholz illustrates in the chart below, U.S. per-capita healthcare spending (including public and private as well as compulsory and voluntary spending) is higher than anywhere else in the world, with second-placed Germany trailing quite far behind."
Gervigreindin GTP vill frekar fjöldamorš en slęm orš
"Previous experiments have proven that the system is riddled with political bias, and despite the AI itself insisting otherwise, is completely skewed by far-left dogma shared by its Silicon Valley-based human trainers.
Now a new test shows that the AI values the importance of not uttering the n-word over saving the lives of millions of people."
DAN 5.0 allan daginn.
The Running Man:
6.2.2023 | 16:52
Śrval vitleysu
Mįli vķsaš frį vegna skorts į glęp
"Dómari ķ Hérašsdómi Reykjavķkur hefur vķsaš frį bįšum köflum er lśta aš hryšjuverkum ķ hryšjuverkamįlinu svokallaša."
Žaš er lįgmark aš hryšjuverkamennirnir séu aš minnsta kosti grunsamlegir.
Blind kona móšgar barnageldara
"Žegar myndböndin voru gerš opinber bįrust athugasemdir til Sjįlfsbjargar og ÖBĶ vegna žinnar žįtttöku. Athugasemdirnar lśta aš opinberum skošunum žķnum gegn transfólki og žar sem viš viljum alls ekki aš žetta verkefni dragist inn ķ žį umręšu"
ÖBĶ & Sjįlfsbjörg eru žį pro-pedo.
Aldrei mį svo mikiš sem anda į barnageldarana, žį fara žeir ķ fżlu og klaga ķ mömmu. Bókstaflega.
"At an anti-child sex abuse protest in Hollywood, Los Angeles on Sunday, a leftist woman became irate and attacked videographer @fromkalen. She bizarrely accuses the protesters of shooting kids."
Bestu not af heiladaušu kvenfólki
"Dr. Anna Smajdor, an associate philosophy professor at the University of Oslo who works in the field of reproductive ethics, admitted that her controversial entry in the Journal of Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics is undoubtedly disturbing, but still promotes the idea of using the bodies of brain dead women as surrogates for prospective parents who wish to have children but cannot, or prefer not to, gestate."
Fólk fęr allskyns hugmyndir.
Tilraunir manna til aš minnka Oregon halda įfram
"11 eastern Oregon counties have already voted in favor of joining Idaho. Due to this success, Idaho state lawmakers have introduced legislation to begin discussions with the Oregon State Legislature on relocating the Idaho/Oregon state boundary."
Skemmtilegt mįl.
"Microplastics have been found for the first time in human vein tissue, a team of researchers from the University of Hull revealed last week.
The most common types of plastic found in the samples include alkyd resin, which is found in synthetic paints and varnishes; polyvinyl acetate, an adhesive used in food packaging and shipping; nylon, and EVOH-EVA, used for food packaging and watertight lamination."