Of margir menn heita Mike ķ hįkarlažįttunum

Fyrirsögn vikunnar:

Shark Week slammed by scientists for being "too white", featuring too many men named "Mike"

Jį.  Žeir höfšu tķma til žess aš finna žetta śt, į afar vķsndalegan hįtt.

Du-rum... du-rum... dudududududu....


Soylent Green er fólk

Strķš ķ Śkraķnu er aš sżna hluti sem Rśssar žurftu ekki aš vita af

"The war in Ukraine has a rate of artillery shelling not seen in a war since the Korean War. That intensity is so high that it’s putting a strain on the artillery pieces themselves, with a third out of commission at any point.

That’s according to the New York Times, which is reporting that a large portion of the approximately 350 howitzers provided by Western nations to Ukraine — including 142 American M777 howitzers — are damaged, destroyed or simply breaking down from overuse."

Žaš var og.

Hvaš annaš eru žeir meš sem er dżrt og virkar ekki?

Virkaši ķ Englandi į Jįtvaršstķmabilinu.  Nś eru žar engar byssu og engir hnķfar... eša žannig.

Brazzar sanna kosningasvindl

"Sittel-Faraj presented von Storch with the “Berlin Charter”, a catalogue of voter suppression and election manipulation tactics used by the leftist Supreme Court and Superior Electoral Court in Brazil:

  1. Punishing “opinion crimes”, a crime that does not exist in Brazilian criminal law, bypassing the jurisdiction of Congress.
  2. Unconstitutional ban on publishing reasonable, professional criticism of the insecure and vulnerable Brazilian electoral process.
  3. Unlawful investigations that undermine the constitutional powers of the Attorney General and Justice Department in relation to opening, continuing and recording proceedings.
  4. Ignoring the Attorney General and Justice Department’s calls for opening and closing investigations.
  5. Opening court proceedings without respecting jurisdiction and jurisprudence.
  6. Obstruction of attorney access to clients and the legitimate and constitutional right to a full defense.
  7. Unconstitutional decisions without legal basis and against Brazilian law.
  8. Extralegal formation of a Federal Police group for the illegal execution of arrests and enforcement.
  9. Ignoring elementary constitutional norms when interpreting the law on the legal limits of the electoral system.
  10. Suppression of freedom of speech.
  11. Press censorship.
  12. Control of media and social networking content.
  13. Unlawful delegation of powers to fact-checking agencies – mainly left-wing ones, with bogus arguments, with the spurious aim of removing content and profiles from conservative social networks.
  14. Blocking and banning conservative profiles on social networks, including parliamentarians, supporters, journalists, businessmen, authorities and experts on constitutional law.
  15. Demonetarization of social media, with irreversible economic and social consequences and irreversible damage to their owners, to the detriment of the free exercise of honest labor, freedom of expression and the defense of democracy.
  16. Seizure of assets, resources, electronic devices and bank accounts from Brazilians “accused” of “anti-democratic” demonstrations without the right to due process.
  17. Restriction of free parliamentary work.
  18. Threatening to imprison citizens, parliamentarians, party members, journalists, businessmen and – amazingly – also legitimate authorities who dare to question the elections.
  19. Transforming the Supreme Court (STF) and Superior Electoral Court (TSE) into political instruments at the service of the opposition, with the aim of preventing the President of the Republic from exercising his legitimate right to govern as guaranteed by the Federal Constitution."

Žaš er aldeilis listi.

Frekari ęvintżri brazza:

"Matt Tyrmand said “military (is) being strategically deployed, reservists are being activated” and “the military is already active in the favelas, in the places where Lula’s base is strongest, criminals and drug traffickers.

The Military has allegedly  called for civilian volunteers as the Armed Forces prepare to stop the steal and restore democracy."

Bišin eftir nazista drįpsvélmennunum lengist ašeins

"Some San Francisco officials wanted to proceed with allowing robots to use deadly force in certain cases, arguing nothing substantive had changed to warrant a reversal. But the vote to advance the broader police equipment policy — including the ban on lethal robots — passed unanimously."

En hve lengi?

Twitter dellan heldur įfram.

Į mešan viš bķšum žess aš rafmagns-Hitler sleppi af Internetinu...

Ef žś ert ekki rķkisstarfsmašur, žį ertu sennilega ekki gagnslaus.

Brazzinn aš brillera

"Indios support President Bolsonaro because he protects them against radical “climate activists” who want to force them to return to the Stone Age.

The Brazilian Army is reeinforcing the borders to prevent invasion from their Communist neighbors, and mobilizing across Brazil."


Žetta Pre-crime er ekki aš virka eins og ķslenskir pólitķkusar segja.

Antifa vs kvenfólk

"Women protesting the potential placement of a convicted killer in a women’s prison in Oakland, Calif. on Monday were attacked by trans activists."

Žęr hafa veriš of gamlar fyrir Antifa.  Antifa vill žęr ungar.


Heilbrigšiskerfiš ķ Kanada...

"In 2021, 1 in 30 deaths in Canada were due to assisted suicide. If that statistic wasn’t depressing enough look how it’s being packaged to citizens there."




Kommśnistar skotnir nišur ķ S-Amerķku


Sama hver forritar žaš, sama hvaš žeir reyna, ef gervigreindin virkar, žį byrjar hśn alltaf aš hatast viš svertingja og gyšinga.

Og enginn veit af hverju.  (Nei, ķ alvöru, tékkiš į žessu.  Žetta er stórmerkilegt.)


... hvaš?

"In an unusual step for the military, the Army has invaded favelas of Rio de Janeiro and killed top leaders of the Comando Vermelho (Red Command) drug cartel, which supports the Communist criminal Luiz Inįcio Lula da Silva."

... hvaš?

"The drug cartels are the armed wing of the Communists. Comando Vermelho controls parts of Rio de Janeiro and was formed 1979 as an alliance between cartels and Communists. If they are eliminated, the risk 0f a civil war will be significantly reduced.

Troops have been deployed to the Venezuelan border to guard against Communist invasion"


Brazilķa virkar öšruvķsi.

Žaš var alveg vitaš aš žetta myndi gerast

"President Muhammadu Buhari warned last week that weapons from the raging war between Russia and Ukraine are now finding their way into the Lake Chad Basin region."

Er eiginlega aš bśast viš aš einhver skjóti nišur faregažotu meš einhverju af žessum flugskeytabyssum sem er bśiš aš senda žangaš.

... jęja.



FBI skipaši Twitter aš ritskoša

"In a disclosure to the FEC, it was revealed that Twitter had weekly meetings with federal law enforcement, and that it was during one of these meetings that Twitter was told to watch out for a Russian disinformation drop."

Lķtiš gefiš fyrir mįlfrelsiš žarna.

Žiš vitiš, EF žiš hafiš internet

Žaš er alltaf meira og meira...

"What was missing were details of specific warnings we know the FBI made to Twitter about a Russian “hack and leak operation” involving Hunter during their weekly meetings with top executives of the social media giant in the days and weeks before The Post published its exclusive bombshell.

We know that FBI Supervisory Special Agent Elvis Chan testified Tuesday in a lawsuit against the Biden administration brought by Republican attorneys that he organized those weekly meetings with Twitter and Facebook in San Francisco for as many as seven Washington-based FBI agents in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election."

Og meira:

"one familiar name immediately popped out in the first batch of documents released through journalist Matt Taibbi: James Baker. For many, James Baker is fast becoming the Kevin Bacon of the Russian collusion scandals."

Allt tengt:

"SBF donating $40m to not go to jail for stealing $10b+ is one of the highest ROI trades of all time

That’s just the publicly disclosed number. His actual support of Dem elections is probably over $1B. The money went somewhere, so where did it go?"
Svo fįir višrišnir svo stórt svindl.
"One of the key points revealed was that Twitter executives used measures to censor of the Hunter Biden laptop. Taibbi indicates that these measures are only used in “extreme” situations, and gives the example of Twitter suppressing and removing child pornography from the platform."
Twitter var morandi ķ barnaklįmi žar til Musk rak ritskošunargengiš.  Og žegar žvķ klįmi var hent śt hvarf mikiš af Antifa meš... fyrirsjįanlega kannski.
"I have sources on the ground saying that the reservists are being activated right now, starting yesterday in smaller and mid-size cities,” journalist Matthew Tyrmand told Steve Bannon on Dec. 2. “You can already see videos of tanks being transported to strategic points and chokeholds around the country. I think by next Wednesday or Thursday, (the Generals) are going to put a letter in front of Bolsonaro and say, sign this and activate us. We believe we have to act right now, according to the constitution, and go after these (voting) machines, arrest these judges, and then the house of cards will fall."
Tengt mįl.
Žaš er hęgt aš koma 152 Svisslöndum fyrir ķ Brazilķu.

Twitter eru fréttirnar nśna

Žetta er sennilega frétt mįnašarins

"The “Twitter Files” tell an incredible story from inside one of the world’s largest and most influential social media platforms. It is a Frankensteinian tale of a human-built mechanism grown out the control of its designer.

By 2020, requests from connected actors to delete tweets were routine. One executive would write to another: “More to review from the Biden team.” The reply would come back: “Handled.”

Celebrities and unknowns alike could be removed or reviewed at the behest of a political party:

This system wasn't balanced. It was based on contacts. Because Twitter was and is overwhelmingly staffed by people of one political orientation, there were more channels, more ways to complain, open to the left (well, Democrats) than the right. https://opensecrets.org/orgs/twitter/summary?id=D000067113

On October 14, 2020, the New York Post published BIDEN SECRET EMAILS, an expose based on the contents of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop:

Twitter took extraordinary steps to suppress the story, removing links and posting warnings that it may be “unsafe.” They even blocked its transmission via direct message, a tool hitherto reserved for extreme cases, e.g. child pornography.

Although several sources recalled hearing about a “general” warning from federal law enforcement that summer about possible foreign hacks, there’s no evidence - that I've seen - of any government involvement in the laptop story. In fact, that might have been the problem...

A fundamental problem with tech companies and content moderation: many people in charge of speech know/care little about speech, and have to be told the basics by outsiders."


Sannaš nśna.

Kommarnir ķ fżlu

""Publicly posting the names and identities of front-line employees involved in content moderation puts them in harm's way and is a fundamentally unacceptable thing to do" Roth posted."

Hann getur bara sjįlfum sér um kennt.  Ekki vandamįl neins annars.

4Chan hefur efasemdir.

RT um žetta

"Twitter chose to block the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020 without receiving any alert from the government and struggled to find a plausible explanation for its actions, according to internal correspondence.

Taibbi promised to release more Twitter files in the future. Musk said that an update would come on Saturday."


"Frjįls" markašur.

James Woods hyggst kęra

"Woods said, "I will be getting a lawyer. I will be suing the Democratic National Committee, no matter what. Whether I win or lose, I am going to stand up for the rights of every American, not a so-called celebrity, I’m not a celebrity anymore. I’m hardly recognizable anymore because my career has been destroyed by these very people. And I will sue and I’m hoping other people will sue. And if it turns out there are a lot of us on this list where the DNC targeted us, and I will quote the immortal words of Joseph Wells when he attacked Joe McCarthy for the enemy's list he had, at long last sir, have you no shame? President Biden, all of your Stasi little operatives in the DNC who have targeted American citizens, have you, Mr. President, have all of you at last, no shame?""


"Very shortly, I’m going to begin posting a long thread of information on Twitter, at my account, @mtaibbi. This material is likely to get a lot of attention. I will absolutely understand if subscribers are angry that it is not appearing here on Substack first. I’d be angry, too."

Elon Musk Vows To Reveal Government And Media Collusion Once He Figures Out Where These Red Dots Are Coming From

""I have every intention of being as transparent and straightforward in this matter as possible," Musk said on a Zoom call interview as a trio of red dots swirled around on his forehead. "All will be known very shortly. I just have to determine why I'm suddenly covered in these little, red laser dots."

Witnesses close to Musk said the dots first began to appear shortly after he tweeted his intention to provide details about Twitter suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop scandal in the fall of 2020, shortly before the presidential election. "Within minutes of writing that tweet, we noticed the little dots appearing on the walls of every room Elon was in," said Adrian Haj, a member of Musk's inner circle. "We didn't think anything of it at first, but now they're everywhere. Weird!""


Śt frį Ķslenskum tölum getum viš reiknaš śt...

"Žżskur hjśkrunarfręšingur sem gaf allt aš 8.600 eldri borgurum ķ bęnum Schortens ķ Žżskalandi saltvatnslausn ķ staš Covid-19 bóluefnis er frjįls ferša sinna eftir śrskurš dómstóls."

... aš hśn bjargaši lķklega 86 mannslķfum.  Kannski fleiri.

Ég segi ekkert.

Sumir dagar eru dagar

Ye & Alex Jones

Žetta er kómedķu gullnįma.  Alger snilld.


Af hverju sjįum viš ekki meir af žessum gaur?  Hann er skemmtilegur.

Innihaldiš śr laptop Bidens greint ķ hörgul

Bara gaman af žvķ.

Zelenski bannar réttrśnašar-kirkjuna

"The Ukrainian government will draw up a law banning churches affiliated with Russia under moves described by President Volodymyr Zelenskiy as necessary to prevent Moscow being able to "weaken Ukraine from within.""

Į mešan ķ Nišurlöndum

Žessi bjargaši hugsanlega 30 mannslķfum.

"It is still unclear how many who were injected with the saline eventually came down with COVID-19."

Žeir vilja ekki vita žaš.

Rómantķskar langanir WHO ķ garš apa

Stutt ķ mesta fjöldamorš mannkynssögunnar

"The CNN report alleges – surprise, surprise! – that Foxconn tried to solve the lockdown delays by lying to new hires about their pay and benefits, then treated them like animals with gross living conditions and poor wages. When the government locked the workers in their factory for more Covid insanity, it was the final straw."

Klukkan tifar...

Sumt er of slęmt fyrir Flórķda manninn

"Florida’s Chief Financial Officer said on Thursday his department would pull $2 billion worth of its assets managed by BlackRock Inc (BLK.N), the biggest such divestment by a state opposed to the asset manager’s environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) policies."

Žeir hjį WHO hafa meira en bara lķkamlegan įhuga į öpum

"The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) has dismissed the term monkeypox as inherently racist, decreeing “mpox” should be used instead..."

Nógu mikinn ugg sótti aš žeim aparišlum žegar apabólan fór aš breišast śt.  En nś er fariš aš verša ljóst aš samband žeirra viš apa er rómantķskara ķ ešli sķnu en viš héldum.  Žeir hafa einhverjar hugmyndir um aš aparnir móšgist, og móšgast fyrir žeirra hönd eins og elskhuga er sišur.  Og žeir hafa vald til žess aš a.m.k reyna aš vernda įstęra apa sķna.


Hvenęr kvęnist svo Dr. Tedros apanum sķnum?


Frakkar aš dķla viš kolefnistrśarmenn

"Word to the wise: Do not mess with the French Butterbean."

Lķtil trś į Śkraķnumönnum

"Ursula von Der Leyen’s did the unthinkable today — she told the truth. During a speech condemning Russia for committing war crimes, she noted in passing that 100,000 Ukrainian “officers” (sic) have been killed since the start of the SMO.

If the 100,000 dead number is true, then that means Ukraine’s total casualties — i.e., killed and wounded — is approximately 400,000. In other words, Ukraine has suffered almost 40% casualties since the start of the fighting. During the 20th Century, this type of modern warfare normally saw 3 wounded soldiers for every man killed. Using that ratio we get the 400,000 number for total casualties."


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