Útför í eldspítustokkum

Útfarir í geimnum

"A rise in space burials has occurred in New Zealand, the UK, and the United States in recent years.

Companies such as Beyond Burial, Aura Flights, and Celestis have been blasting the ashes of family’s loved ones into space for several years and surprisingly it's not as expensive as you think."

Semsagt, útför, ekki jarðarför.  Höfum það á hreinu.

Hún hlustaði ekki, og verður nú jörðuð í eldspitustokkum.

Great balls of fire

"Clemson basketball player Brevin Galloway took to Instagram and shared that his balls and nut sack exploded."

... ha.

Það sem er ritskoðað á einum stað birtist bara á öðrum


Í stórum dráttum, þetta.

Við þurfum þetta.

Antifa hótar að kveikja í New York

"According to the Daily Mail, the outlet obtained a poster that told Antifa to assemble at various locations throughout NYC and then Burn It All Down."

... sem er það sem Antifa gerir.

Meira fjör í framtíðinni

"Hollywood A-listers and moguls are in total panic fearing journalist Nikki Finke’s explosive tell-all files will be leaked — or fall into the wrong hands — after the notorious journalist spent decades burying damaging dirt on show business’ biggest names, RadarOnline.com has learned.

Knowing her days were numbered due to poor health, Finke “began mailing out packets to trusted friends — and press outlets — containing allegations that are, in some cases, ‘Harvey-level bad,’ to direct quote someone who’s seen some of them,” the anonymous tipster wrote, referencing disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein"

Fjöldasamtök barnageldara ráðast á fólk sem mótmælir þeim


"The protestors can be seen in the footage trying to distract from the speech, using noisemakers, whistles, megaphones, loud drumming, dancing, signs reading "Cis people are creepy," "Teens [love] drag shows," and "Trans girls need guns.""

Í eina tíð voru kynskiftingar ekki jafn ofbeldishneigðir.

Menn í dýra-búningum ráðast á kvenréttindakonur

"A women’s rights event scheduled to take place in Scotland next month will be met with a counter-protest of LGBTQ cabaret singers and dancers as well as a group of adults with a penchant for dressing up as animals."

UK hefur bestu mótmælin.

Karíókí í helvíti

"Austin, TX, Pastor Gerald A. Johnson (who for some reason is being called a priest) released a TikTok video where he explains that in 2016 he had a heart attack and went to hell where demons sang Rihanna songs to torture people."


Allskyns heimsbókmenntir, aðallega minna þekktar

Ég skynja íróníuna í því að það skuli vera vídjó um bóklestur.

Hef ekki heyrt um þessa.

Þessi gaur gerir óþarflega langa þætti um þessar bækur sínar.  En hey...

Þessi er mjög góð.  Ef þið hafið tíma, endilega.

Ekki bókmenntir, per se, en miklu skemmtilegra verk og betur skrifað en það hefur nokkurn rétt á að vera.

Þetta hefði allt geta verið unnið fagmannlega

Fyrir ekki löngu:


Þetta er allt mjög vandræðalegt

"In this video:

-I was locked in a restaurant (possible Unlawful imprisonment)

-I was Assaulted

-Had our IPad destroyed -Pfizer director said "I’m literally a liar"

-He confirmed hes Boston Consulting and Pfizer

-He said he's trying to help the public"

Hefði geta gengið betur.



Þessu tengt.

"According to the report from local media, Estrella had a routine Tuesday training session before being found unresponsive in her home by her parents on Wednesday."


Þeir sem tóku 3 sprautur lifa áberandi skemur, (dánartíðnin hefur hækkað um meira en 10% í eirra hópi) þeir sem taka 4 munu ekki endast sérlega lengi, og það er útséð að þeir sem fá 5 munu allir með tölu deyja innan 2 ára.

Segi ég.


Sýra vikunnar

"Can a charity representing gay, lesbian and bisexual people be criticised for pointing out that puberty blockers may lead to life-changing consequences? Dr Bell: 'Well, yes, but it might lead to a - you know, I don't know, falling off the planet or something - whatever.' 7/"

... ha?  Barnageldarar eru ekki skiljanlegir.


Úkraínumenn eru hræddir við flóttamenn

"An exposé report released this week from the British state-owned Channel 4 broadcaster on the status of the integration of Ukrainian refugees in the UK revealed that some of those forced to flee their country as a result of the war with Russia were shocked and even frightened by the ethnic makeup of the parts of England they found themselves living in, namely the paucity of native English people."

Það er ekki sama, flóttamaður og flóttamaður.  En þetta skilja fáir.

Í framtíðinni verður þú handtekinn fyrir að setja glerbrot í smjör alþýðunnar


Þú verður handtekinn fyrir að vera þjófur

Það er framtíðin ef þetta verður ekki fellt niður og farið framá skaðabætur:

"Þá lagði Karl áherslu á að skotmark árásarinnar væri aukaatriði. Nefndi hann sem dæmi ef menn hefðu ákveðið að fremja bankarán, rætt það sín á milli í marga mánuði og orðið sér út um muni. Skotvopn, grímu og flóttabifreið.

„Þegar lögregla handsamar þá er allt klárt til að fremja brotið en rannsóknargögnin segja ekkert um hvaða bankaútibú eða hvenær. Er það þá svo að ekki sé hægt að ákæra?“ Þar væri um að ræða tilraun til að ræða ótilgreindan banka, eins og í málinu sem væri til umfjöllunar. Sakarefnið væri í raun einfalt."

Þú, hafandi hendur til þess að stela og fætur til þess að flýja, ert augljóslega þjófur, og ætlar ér að stela einhverju einhversstaðar.  Best bara að taka þig fastan strax.


Gaur keypti sjálfvirkan riffil og breytti honum í hálfsjálfvirkan riffil.  Af einhverjum ástæðum.  Dularfullt.

Svo er lögreglan þarna að saka þennan ágæta mann um að reyna að "valda almenningi ótta og ringulreið í samfélaginu" sem ég sé ekki betur en að sé einmitt það sem Lögreglan er að reyna.

Verið að projecta.

Á meðan, í Rúmeníu.

Þetta er ekki gert fyrir okkur

"Contradicting this official stance, Baerbock said the quiet part out loud, and introduced the comments with: "And therefore I've said already in the last days – yes, we have to do more to defend Ukraine. Yes, we have to do more also on tanks."

And that's when she asserted: "But the most important and the crucial part is that we do it together and that we do not do the blame game in Europe, because we are fighting a war against Russia and not against each other.""

Ég veit ekki hvað er að þessu fólki

"What is truly astonishing is that the United States and its NATO allies are talking so openly about what they are doing. Normally, a country contemplating war or escalating a war will hide what they are doing until an attack or a campaign is launched. Ditto for deception and feints. The NATO crowd eschews those principles and is more focused on playing the public relations game — e.g., pretend you are doing something meaningful that can change the strategic picture on the ground for Ukraine."


Ekki bara stríð, plága líka

"The Pfizer exec says they are mutating Covid to make big money off new variants.

Watch Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development for Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning, talk about it for 10 very important minutes:"

Stríð, sjúkdómar og hungursneið, allt manngert.  Á sama tíma vilja ríki heims koma á rafrænni mynt í stað reiðufés, og merkja alla með tölvukubb.

Ég kannast við þetta einhversstaðar frá.

Gerið betur.

Evrópa í dag

Spurt er:

"Diljá sagði að ís­lensku lög­in væru ekki búin til í tóma­rúmi og byggðu á nor­rænni lög­gjöf og væru und­ir evr­ópsk­um áhrif­um. 

"[Það] er ljóst að ým­is­legt í okk­ar út­lend­inga­lög­gjöf og fram­kvæmd á ekki hliðstæðu í ná­granna­lönd­um okk­ar. Það þarf ekk­ert að deila um það," sagði hún og bætti við að fólk geti verið ósam­mála um hvort það sé gott eða slæmt. 

"Ef reynsla ná­grannaþjóða okk­ar leiðir til þess að þau ákveða að haga sinni lög­gjöf með ákveðnum hætti, þannig að sam­hljóm­ur er með þeim og við sker­um okk­ur úr. Ættum við þá kannski að leggja við hlust­ir – eins og vana­lega – eða eru þetta allt ein­tóm fífl og fá­vit­ar þarna í Evr­ópu?""

Skoðum nýjustu strauma og stefnur í Evrópulandi:

"Austria has seen a record number of asylum applications in 2022. In fact, asylum applications nearly tripled from 2021, reaching nearly 60,000. The news has shocked Austria and led to a sharp backlash from a population highly skeptical of mass immigration. The FPÖ, more so than any other major party, has made immigration restriction central to their platform.

At the same time, the FPÖ party is the only major party opposed to Russian sanctions, which it blames for creating inflation and economic turmoil in the Austrian and European economy. Many Austrians are sympathetic with this position."

Þessu tengt

"Four shootings and three bombings occurred in the Swedish capital this week, police said on Friday, with a total of 21 such incidents and two deaths since Dec 25.

According to a 2021 report by Sweden’s National Council for Crime Prevention, among 22 countries with comparable data, only Croatia had more deadly shootings, and no other country posted a bigger increase than Sweden in the past decade."

Já.  Það er meira, en látum þetta nægja í bili.

Bill Gates ætlar að halda vindinum í beljunum

"Microsoft co-founder and billionaire Bill Gates believes one of the solutions to combat climate change is to stop cows from burping."


Stuðmenn stuðla að hnattrænni hlýnun.

Á meðan, í Kanada

"Prime Minster Justin Trudeau swarmed by angry protesters outside the Bread Bar in Hamilton, Ontario. Protestors curse and yell, "Tyrant!"

Trudeau's entire fundraising mechanism is to come out from situations like this as the wounded little boy who was been assaulted by vile, scary men.

This kind of schtick has worked for decades on middle-class suburbanites.

But Trudeau and his fellow tyrants pushed too far.

They called their fellow countrymen terrorists for honking horns, destroyed their jobs, shut down their churches, promoted burning their churches, arrested them for inviting mom over past Covid curfew, and locked them out of their own bank accounts."

Allir vilja fara í stríð núna.

"German foreign minister declares war on Russia"

Evrópumenn vlja ólmir borða pöddur

"The new insect-based products for human consumption represent the latest push by the European Union to normalise the consumption of bugs through legislation, with many bigwigs from a variety of organisations pushing insects as a food item for both economic and environmental reasons in recent years."

Ekki borða neitt frá Evrópu.  Það eru pöddur í því.



"Per mile traveled, our British friends are now paying more to charge their electric cars than to gas them up."

Hver er þá tilgangurinn?


Hvað gerðist 1988-1993?

Hryðjuverkamaður vann hjá CNN

"An Antifa member in Atlanta has been revealed as the daughter of a "Global Diversity Expert" and a New Jersey-based Chinese pharma tycoon, according to a new report.

Shen herself interned at both Reuters and CNN. According to the Daily Mail, CNN refused to report on the violence after the "conflict of interest" was revealed."

Fjandans kommar.

Ekki einu sinni sama málið.

Japanir eyða ekki nægum tíma í rúmi

"The Prime Minister of Japan says the country is in a precarious position as a society over its plummeting birth rate.

"Japan is standing on the verge of whether we can continue to function as a society," said Fumio Kishida, saying that the situation was a case of "now or never.""

Hver er gulrótin?

"Meanwhile, real wages in Japan haven't grown in 30 years, while incomes in South Korea and Taiwan have caught up and overtaken the country."

Þeir þurfa að laga.  Sem leiðir hugann að þessu:


Þetta er Íslenski mannfjölda-píramídinn.  Hvað skeði?

Forseti Serbíu flytur oss gleðilegan boðskap

"The Serbian president explained that the EU is de facto at war in Ukraine, so it wants its “back yard” – including Serbia – to be brought to heel. His feeling, however, was that the conflict “won’t calm down, but will only spread.”

"You see it now, it's not just Russia versus Ukraine. Soon it will spread to other territories. It is up to us that our country isn't among them," he said."

Allir þrá stríð.  Fái þeir það þá.

Af vef kolefnistrúarmanna:

Vitleysa dagsins af internetinu

Fólk þrábiður um svona.  Og það fær þetta.

Fólk myrt til þess að hækka tölu "Covid" látinna

"An NHS whistleblower, who wishes to remain anonymous, has come forward with allegations that the NHS hospitals were not overwhelmed during the Covid-19 pandemic, as was reported by authorities and the mainstream media.

The whistleblower also confirmed that the little care given throughout the pandemic amounted to negligence, and that the Goverment and NHS bosses essentially instructed staff to let people die, or in some cases kill them through the ‘End of Life Care’ programme and falsely label the deaths as being due to Covid-19."

Menn meiga kveikja í hvaða bók sem er í Svíþjóð

"Sweden grants permission to burn the KORAN outside Turkish embassy...

Turkey has requested that Swedish authorities take legal action against such demonstrations, particularly involving Kurds, but Sweden has repeatedly cited its robust free speech laws. Further, Swedish officials have said it cannot give Turkey what it wants without changing laws regarding freedom of assembly and protest."

Á meðan, í Kommúnistaríkinu Íslandi

"Jafnvel forseti Íslands gaf í skyn í þingsetningarræðu árið 2021 að þeir sem ekki þáðu bólusetningu væru að krefjast þess er hann kallaði „rangsnúinn rétt til að smita aðra“.[3] Forseti hefur aldrei beðist opinberlega afsökunar á þessum ummælum.

Með vísan til þess sem áður segir um jafnræði allra fyrir lögunum er af hálfu samtakanna á það bent að í greinargerð með tillögunni eru tilgreindir sérstaklega ákveðnir hópar sem ekki megi beita hatursorðræðu gegn. Í ljósi reynslunnar má slík framsetning heita uggvænleg, því með gagnályktun má ætla að aðrir njóti ekki slíkrar verndar.

Af framangreindu er ekki órökrétt að draga þá ályktun að borgarar landsins standi misvel frammi fyrir lögunum hvað viðvíkur ætlaðri hatursorðræðu

Ekki liggur fyrir nein ein skilgreining á hugtakinu hatursorðræða sem sammælst hefur verið um, hvorki að þjóðarétti né landsrétti einstakra ríkja. Því er ljóst að hatursorðræða er ekki skýrlega afmarkað lögfræðilegt hugtak."

Meiriháttar aðför ríkisins að mannréttindum, og eigin grundvallarlögum.

Í sama anda:

Skoskir pólitíkusar vilja skera hausinn af konum...

"On Saturday, a group of Scottish politicians posed with trans activists who were displaying signs calling for violence, including the "decapitation" of women during a protest in the UK."

Fake & Gay.

Meira um andúð kynskiftinga á kvenfólki almennt

"Trans activists say Aretha Franklin’s “(You Make Me Feel Like a) Natural Woman” is very offensive to trans women."

Og ég hélt að Zeppelin væri svolítið pirraðir á kvenfólki þegar þeir sungu:

"Lots of people talk and few of them know
Soul of a woman was created below, yeah"

"Best of" Davos til þessa.

Hryðjuverkamenn í Atlanta ofl

Biden geymir leyniskjöl allstaðar

"The Department of Justice found "six items consisting of documents with classification markings" during a Friday search of President Joe Biden's home in Wilmington...

- In a 12+ hours search of Biden's home, the Feds found classified docs including FROM HIS TIME IN SENATE. - Docs were found despite the WH saying that they turned over all docs a week ago. - No video/photo of Feds/local PD standing around as done to Trump.

Biden's personal attorneys searched the house themselves, said they turned everything over to the DOJ, and yet more were found? When Trump's lawyers did that he was raided by the FBI."

Nixon þurfti að fara fyrir minna.



Hryðjuverkasamtök leggja Atlanta í rúst

"On Saturday night, Antifa members took to the streets of Atlanta to throw rocks at and light fires outside of the Atlanta Police Foundation after the now-suspended Atlanta Forest Twitter account called for a "night of rage" following the fatal shooting of one of their members, 26-year-old Manuel Esteban Paez Teran.

Mayor Andre Dickens confirmed during a press conference that Antifa militants had explosives."

Talandi um Antifa:

Hámarks Woke

"Townhall.com’s Mia Cathell on Thursday turned her focus to how William and Zachary were able to adopt their kids in the first place. Cathell reveals in her article that that Zachary had previously been credibly accused of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old boy back in 2011.

The Gateway Pundit also previously reported that Zachary and William were accused of making porn with the children. The children were rescued and taken by officials."

Ef þú ert á mótu þessu þá ertu hægri-öfgamaður.

Fleiri fréttir af Woke fólki

"Chief Inspector Richard Watkinson was supposed to present himself at a police station to be charged with conspiracy to distribute or show indecent images of children, making indecent photos of a child, misconduct in public office, and voyeurism the day he was found dead in his home, The Telegraph reports."

Óður bílamaður drepinn af byssumanni

"Sources tell me the juvenile hit & run driver seen in a viral video mowing down a mom & her infant in Venice last year was shot & killed in Palmdale Weds. night. He was recently released after receiving a light 5-7 month sentence in juvie camp after @LADAOffice prosecution."

Fréttamenn spyrja forstjóra Pfizer erfiðra spurninga

Það er vídjó.


Neil Young er næstur

Einn stofnenda "Screaming trees" látinn.

Samansafn af illmennum sem hafa sloppið úr James Bond-mynd halda árshátið.

""I hope this time around, once we’re building this new world order or new rules based order, the voice of the global south and the developing world is included," said Zardari.

Another speaker complained about countries valuing their own sovereignty over the interests of the world order."


Al Gore heldur að sjórinn sé að sjóða.

"you heard him correctly... six-hundred-thousand Hiroshima bombs every single day - according to his bizarre rant, which he further said is "boiling the oceans" and creating "rain bombs" and "atmospheric rivers" resulting in millions of "climate refugees"."

Það eru örugglga til einhver lyf við þessu, jafnvel meðferðir.  Hann þarf þær.

Forstjóri Siemens vill skifta sér af því hvað við borðum

"Danish businessman and chairman of the German manufacturing giant Siemens, Jim Hagemann Snabe pushed the Great Reset agenda of replacing meat with synthetic proteins at a "Mobilizing for Climate" panel at the annual globalist meeting in Davos, Switzerland on Wednesday.

"If a billion people stop eating meat, I tell you, it has a big impact. Not only does it have a big impact on the current food system, but it will also inspire innovation of food systems," Snabe said, adding: "I predict we will have proteins not coming from meat in the future, they will probably taste even better.""

Ég treysti engum Snabe fyrir mínum mat.

WEF tónlist er ekki af þessum heimi

Hvaða heimi?  Það veit ég ekki.

Rogan um kommúnista

"On Wednesday's episode of the Joe Rogan Experience, the host spoke to independent researchers Jimmy Corsetti and Ben van Kerkwyk and the trio discussed how Covid brought out the Orwellian nature of leaders like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, California Governor Gavin Newsom, and outgoing Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern.

"Covid came along and they saw an opportunity to control people and a reason to do so," Rogan said. "'We're all in danger' and they exaggerate that danger greatly and use it to clamp down on you and force you into these pharmaceutical drugs that you have to take and 'do this' and 'do that,' 'we gotta lock ya home' and 'stay here' and 'we're gonna redistribute wealth.'

"It's like, whoa, you guys are f*cking demons. I didn't know you were demons. I thought you were just governors and mayors and sh*t," Rogan added."

Hann hittir naglann á höfuðið.

Góðar fréttir fyrir Nýsjálendinga

Kommúnisti segir af sér

"Jacinda Ardern resigned knowing full well her days were numbered. For some time now the people have rallied against her. Opposing her tyrannical covid dictates which had destroyed civil liberties and the economy.

New Zealand's prime minister was asked if vaccine regulations are meant to create "two different classes of people" and she happily confirmed that yes, they are

The prime minister of New Zealand says world leaders "cannot ignore" the "threat" posed by unregulated political discourse online..." og svo framvegis.

Sennilega mesti skúrkurinn í pólitík nútímans.  Svo, samgleðjumst Nýsjálendingum með þessa miklu lukku sína.



Hvernig gekk svo Kína Kvefs alræðisstjórnin?

"The high number of excess deaths in 2022 up to the end of September (2,864) is unusual. There were records broken. Week 30 (end of July) was 26% above the historical average, even after adjusting for New Zealand’s increase in population."

Meira hér:

"In July of this year, New Zealand excess all-cause deaths rose to record levels. The last week of the month was 26% above historical levels. So far in 2022, the number of NZ excess all-cause deaths exceeds the historical trends by over 2,800 for the first nine months of the year. In turn, this far exceeds the estimated number of deaths related to Covid."

Kommúnismi bjargar ekki lífum.  Það er aldrei tilgangurinn.

Austur evrópumaður tjáir sig um kommúnista.

Talandi um Davos sokkabrúður:

"perhaps the most clear and present danger from Davos is something you haven't heard about before: Safety by design, a global censorship program run by world elites in order to control speech around the world.

“Safety by Design” is the notion that government regulators cannot possibly keep up with innovation, so liberals' regulatory preferences need to be built into the technology itself.

The desire, and what is being implemented in Australia, is essentially "pre-banned" speech. They decide what you can and cannot post in order to protect "minority" targets of harmful speech."

Þetta fólk er mjög illt.

Þetta er bókstaflega fasismi


"Director of FBI Christopher Wray says the level of collaboration between the private sector and the government, especially the FBI has made significant strides"

Skólabókardæmi.  Ekki íslenskt skæolabókardæmis samt... þar eru orð notuð eitthvað öðruvísi.

Drekkið meira kaffi

"In their analysis researchers concluded "Limiting your contribution to climate change requires an adapted diet, and coffee is no exception. Choosing a mode of coffee preparation that emits less GHGs (greenhouse gases) and moderating your consumption are part of the solution.""

Kaffi er ekki bara bæði hollt og gott.  Það er líka móðgun við kommúnista.

Einhverjum er mjög í nöp við ameríska rafkerfið

"Another power substation in North Carolina has been damaged because of apparent gunfire, energy officials said Tuesday. The damage occurred at a power substation in Thomasville, about an hour away from Moore County, where just weeks ago two other substations were attacked by gunfire."

Ykkar mistök, ekki mín:

"Mice who received more than four Covid vaccine jabs had a collapse in their ability to fight the coronavirus, Chinese researchers have found.

The damage extended past antibodies, the immune system’s front line of defense against viruses and bacteria, to the T-cells that form the crucial backup."

Sú fimmta lýkur þér.


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