Illska Davos gengisins

Augljóslega aš verša skotfęralausir.

"The Pentagon is tapping into a vast but little-known stockpile of American ammunition in Israel to help meet Ukraine’s dire need for artillery shells in the war with Russia, American and Israeli officials say," the Times reports. "The stockpile provides arms and ammunition for the Pentagon to use in Middle East conflicts."

... ébbara...


Meira af illsku Davos gengisins:

""For hate speech, we need the people who understand the language and the case law in the country, because what qualifies as hate speech, illegal hate speech, which you will have soon also in the U.S., we have a strong reason why we have this in the criminal law," Jourova said.

The WEF description of the panel on their website says, "How can the public, regulators and social media companies better collaborate to tackle disinformation, as information pollution spreads at unprecedented speed and scale?""

Žetta fólk hatar oršręšu.


Allir heilvita menn sjį ķ gegnum žetta ESG scam

"BlackRock, the world's biggest asset manager, has faced increasing backlash about environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing. A handful of US states have pulled billions of dollars from BlackRock funds over accusations of "greenwashing," hurting the fossil fuel industry and turbocharging America's "woke" culture.

In December, Florida made the most significant withdrawal, pulling $2 billion from BlackRock. 

 "Using our cash to fund BlackRock's social-engineering project isn't something Florida ever signed up for.

 "It's got nothing to do with maximizing returns and is the opposite of what an asset manager is paid to do," Jimmy Patronis, Florida's chief financial officer, said in a recent statement.

Meanwhile, Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick has urged state officials to label BlackRock as a hostile entity for its action in the attempt to crush the oil and gas industry.  

Perhaps what Fink's terrified about is a run on BlackRock funds because state officials and many others are realizing ESG investing is just another globalist 'scam.'"


Hvaša költ er žetta?

"Q: "... we are now facing something even deeper. Mass extinction, air pollution, undermining ecosystem function. Really putting humanity's future at risk."

Oh, you mean the same load of hogwash you climate crisis folks have been peddling for half a decade?"


Madonna ķ vandręšum um alla Afrķku

"Madonna, the “Queen of Pop,” is once again making news after being accused of running a child trafficking ring in an orphanage in Southern Africa under the name Raising Malawi.

“Ethiopian World Federation (EWF) has made a surprising petition against . Child trafficking, and fear of social experiments rendered on Malawian children. More accusations to resurface, read on,” she wrote."

Aušvitaš žarf žaš aš vera eitthvaš furšulegt.


Leitiš bara sjįlf.  Eša ekki.

Žiš hafiš ekkert val. Bara svo žiš vitiš...

"After the vaccine rolled out, the FAA secretly widened the EKG parameter range for pilots so they wouldn’t be grounded. It looks like the vax gave at least 50M Americans heart damage.

In the October 2022 version of the FAA Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners, the FAA quietly widened the EKG parameters beyond the normal range (from a PR max of .2 to unlimited). And they didn’t widen the range by a little. They widened it by a lot. It was done after the vaccine rollout."

... fattiš žetta eša ekki.

Yfirvöld allstašar falla ķ hagfręši aš eilķfu

Lķfiš ķ sósķalķsku hagkerfi

"The latest unemployment figures are very concerning, but what is even more worrying is to analyse the “shadow unemployment”. In its latest Economic Outlook or Europe 2023-24 report, UBS shows the significant difference between official unemployment in the euro area and the hidden unemployment coming from furloughed jobs and unoccupied workers that do not count as official unemployed.

The first source of rigidity is labour costs. The high social security and labour taxes make it more challenging for businesses to reduce unemployment. The tax wedge on work is so elevated in countries like Spain or Greece that a business pays almost 1,800 euros for a 1,000 net salary. If we add to a high tax wedge a strong of regulatory burdens and penalties, it shows that a system designed to protect workers is, in fact, leaving millions behind, particularly the young."


Hönd daušans aftur.

"Kerry claims to be behind efforts to reduce carbon emissions based on fake science, but is that really what he is after?

He shared what he really wants.  It’s not climate control, it’s money.  Lots and lots of money.

"So how do we get there?" Kerry asked about keeping global climate goals alive. He answered, "Well, the lesson I’ve learned in the last year — I learned it as secretary of state and it has since been reinforced in spades, is money, money, money, money, money, money, money.""

Til samanburšar: Trump

"I'm here today to represent the interests of the American people," Trump began. "The world is witnessing the resurgence of a strong and prosperous America ... There has never been a better time to hire, to build, to invest, and to grow in the United States." 

He went on to slam regulation as "stealth taxation," decrying the fact that "unelected bureaucrats ... have imposed crushing and anti-business and anti-worker regulations on our citizens with no vote, no legislative debate, and no real accountability."



"A robot lawyer operated by AI technology will help fight a traffic offender’s ticket next month.

The robot was created by tech startup DoNotPay."

Žaš vęri öllum til hagsbóta aš skifta öllum möppudżrum śt fyrir svona gręju.

"In the year 5555
Your arms are hanging limp at your sides
Your legs got nothing to do
Some machine is doing that for you."

Klukkan tifar...

Žegar menn hafa val...

"The U.S. Freedom Flyers Josh Yoda, he’s the president of the U.S. Freedom Flyers. He says they’re getting calls from wealthy businessmen to fly their executives around on business jets with unvaccinated crew."

Fólk reynir hvaš žaš getur aš vekja athygli BC į mįlinu

"stickers of the vaccine injured are place on the BBC headquarters, a reminder of the contribution they have made to this public health crisis."

Twitter files.... aftur


"Journalist Lee Fang released the new Twitter Files: How the pharmaceutical industry lobbied social media to shape content around vaccine policy.

global drug giants saw the crisis as an opportunity for unprecedented profit. Behind closed doors, pharma launched a massive lobbying blitz to crush any effort to share patents/IP for new covid-related medicine, including therapeutics and vaccines.

BIO, the lobby group that represents biopharma, including Moderna & Pfizer, wrote to the newly elected Biden admin, demanding the U.S. gov sanction any country attempting to violate patent rights and create generic low cost covid medicine or vaccines."

Hvaš eiga žeir eiginlega mikiš af žessu?

Žaš vantar bara borgarastyrrjöld ķ Kķna nśna, og viš erum meš sömu ašstęšur og rétt fyrir WW2.

Winner dagsins

"A 25-year-old doctor of Pharmacy died suddenly in Pittsburgh in December, just before her father was rushed to the ICU, [...] Dr. Lindsay Ann Heck, 25, died unexpectedly from an unknown cause on Dec. 20, 2022, as stated in her obituary.

She loved teaching students, doing research, running multiple vaccine clinics and sharing her passion and knowledge with others."

... aha.

Almenn heimskupör fólks


Hiš hįžróšaša heilbrigšiskerfi bretlands

"Ukrainian refugees in Britain are making return trips to their homeland to receive medical treatment instead of waiting to access the U.K.’s National Health Service (NHS) after a spate of strikes brought the public healthcare system to its knees."


Talandi um žaš...

"The unprecedented increase in deaths has prompted the construction of temporary morgues in various locations throughout the UK, including tourist hotspots and airports.

As a result, health experts have requested an immediate investigation into the source of the rising non-Covid excess death."


Bretland veršur sķfellt dystópķskara.

Veršiš veik. Eša a.m.k. veikari.

"Health officials in New York City are alerting its vaccinated residents or those previously infected with COVID-19, stating they “may be” at a higher risk of contracting the infectious Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5.

The health department, however, maintained its campaign urging residents to get vaccinated and get updated booster shots."

... uhm?

Hvernig er žetta alvöru?

"Several lawmakers opposed to a ban on gas stoves raised concerns that such measures would eliminate an affordable means of cooking and strain the U.S. energy grid with more demands on electricity with consumers having to switch to electric stoves as an alternative."

Kolefnistrśarmenn vilja ekki aš fólk borši né aš žvķ sé hlżtt.

Biden & CIA standa fyrir komandi hruni Brazilķu

"Back in October before the run-off election between the populist pro-Brazilian leader Jair Bolsonaro against the communist convicted felon Lula da Silva, Foreign Policy reported on how Joe Biden and the CIA were working to ensure a Lula win in Brazil.

“How Team Biden Tried to Coup-Proof Brazil’s Elections,” read the headline. 

According to reports, Biden personnel from the White House, Defense Department, State Department, and CIA all took part in threatening the Bolsonaro administration in rare, escalatory diplomatic meetings. Then, they took their false narratives to the corporate media."

Ķ öšrum fréttum:

Noršmenn hafa ekkert gott af žvķ aš sniffa žynni frekar en ašrir

Antifa berst viš andstęšinga barnanaušgara

"Protests at an "all-ages" Drag Queen Story Hour event Saturday morning at Coquitlam Public Library's City Centre in British Columbia escalated when a group of Antifa activists appeared to attack members of the Gays Against Groomers group who were standing with signs at the event. 

An anti-grooming activist holding a sign saying "SEXUALIZING CHILDREN IS CHILD ABUSE" appeared to have been accosted by the group of hooded left-wing activists, with the mob forcibly pushing him back while screaming in his face and attempting to steal his sign."

Muniši hvers vegna Antifa hvarf af Twitter?

Noršmenn hafa misst vitiš

"Norwegian government funds research to find out if white paint is racist

The Research Council of Norway is spending over $1.2 million USD on a project that is dedicated to discovering how the country has contributed to the spread of "whiteness" globally, through colonialism and through paint."


mRNA gena-editandi efniš er banvęnt

"The CEO of the OneAmerica insurance company publicly disclosed that during the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18–64) was 40% higher than it was before the pandemic. Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID."

Og svo framvegis.

Sjįiši ljós į himnum?

"US government agencies saw a significant increase in incidents involving unidentified flying objects (UFOs) between 2021 and 2022, partly due to a better understanding of the threats they may pose, according to an unclassified version of a new Pentagon report released on Thursday.

The document, entitled "2022 Annual Report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" was compiled by the Pentagon's Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). In total, it covers 510 sightings, documented up to late August 2022."

Biden viršist hafa lesiš Top Secret skjöl fyrir svefninn

"Biden's personal attorney, Bob Bauer, stated Saturday that the single document lead Biden’s attorney's to five more classified documents, which were apparently unearthed because "Biden’s personal legal team did not have security clearances, so when they saw the one-page document with classification markings, they cleared the area and did not look further.""

Nixon gerši ekkert af sér.

Smį róandi kvöldmśsķk:

Rśssar hafa meira ammó en viš.


White Supremacy.

Rśssneska kjarnorkusprengjuvarpan er osom

"Russian forces, who have reportedly suffered considerable losses on the front line, have now deployed additional units of the world’s most powerful mortar, which is capable of using a nuclear warhead on the battlefield.

Dubbed the “Sledgehammer,” the self-propelled 2S4 Tyulpan mortar, known as the Tulip in English, has a 240mm cannon — twice the caliber of NATO mortars, which are just 120mm — making it by far the largest caliber mortar system in the world."

Kalashnikov Koncern gręšir tį & fingri

"In what they described as “the biggest deals in the history” of the company, Kalashnikov fulfilled 45 state military contracts, 24 military-technical cooperation agreements, and one deal to license production elsewhere.

These include the 5.56x45 mm AK-19 assault rifle, the 9mm PPK-20 submachine gun, as well as the Saiga-9 and TR3 semi-automatic hunting carbines, for the civilian market. The TR3 is a civilian model based on the AK-12 and AK-15 military rifles."



Į mešan ķ USA:

"Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro acknowledged before a naval warfare conference in Arlington, Virginia on Wednesday that the US within the next six months could face a decision of whether to arm itself or Ukraine, due to rapidly depleting stockpiles due to supplying Ukraine."

... ehm?

Brazzarnir eru ekki einu sinni meš byssur

"Federal Police hear 1,843 Bolsonarista suspects and arrest 1,159 for terrorist acts. The biggest operation in history “was not arresting corrupt people, trafficking or organized crime, but arresting an elderly person camped in front of the Army barracks.

We left our homes all over Brazil to come and defend our Constitution, which has been torn and trampled on by the Brazilian “Justice System” who released a criminal from prison and had him elected."

... og žaš versnar bara.

Hinn almenni Kķnverji į enga byssu heldur

"The Washington Post last week described Beijing cranking up “the powerful surveillance state built over the past decade and fine-tuned during the pandemic” to target alleged leaders of the lockdown protests, in a crusade that has subjected far more people than the eight described by NPR to harassment, detention, and interrogation."

Nazistarnir fęrast alltaf nešar į listanum yfir verstu stjórnvöldin.

Óvopnašur almenningur lendir skuggalega oft ķ śtrżmingabśšum.  Og žaš er kominn sį tķmi aftur, sé ég.


Viršist slęmt, en er ķ raun verra.

Svisslendingar vernda fjöldasamtök Fasista

"Roughly 5,000 Swiss Army soldiers have been deployed to Davos, Switzerland to guard the attendees of this year's annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, an organization according to their website that engages" with leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.""


Talibana sportbķllinn

Talibanar hafa smķšaš sinn eigin sportbķl

"Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid posted images of the Mada 9 on social media and said its beauty is an 'honor' for the entire country. 

Beyond the pictures, the question remains what's under the hood? Several tweets reveal the engine is comparable to a Toyota Corolla hatchback."


Žetta geta žeir.

Franskir mśslimar beita framsęknum ašferšum ķ barįttunni viš djöfla

"around a dozen people in the French department of Essonne are accused of beheading animals in a home to ward off “demons” on Christmas Day...

According to police, the sheep were killed in order to rid the home of “jinn,” an Islamic term for evil spirits or demons, roughly speaking."

Ętli žeir hafi boršaš kvikyndin į eftir?

Talandi um djöfla:

Biden hefur tżnt öllum leynigögnunum

"President Biden’s aides found other classified documents dating from the Obama administration at a second location associated with Mr. Biden, according to a person familiar with the situation."

Ég žarf aš kķkja undir borš til aš tékka hvort žaš eru leynileg gögn frį Biden žar.

Feminismi reynist vera dauša-költ

"The survey, published on Tuesday, covers the years 2015 through 2019, and found that in this time frame 52.1 percent of women between the ages of 15-44 had at least one biological child, while between 2011 and 2015, this number was 54.9 percent.

The survey notes reliable contraception, the pursuit of higher education, increased labor force participation by females, changes in familial values, instability in relationships, and financial concerns as reasons for the increasing age at which childbearing is delayed."

Ef žś ert kolefnistrśarmašur mįtt lemja eins margar löggur og žś vilt

"The charges against a Washington, D.C., climate activist have been dropped after he was arrested in October on claims that he assaulted police officers."

Hatursglępamašur montar sig af hatursglęp

"Lead Defense Attorney for J6 Defendant Joe Biggs Defends Killing of Ashli Babbitt: "It Was A Great Shot. I'm Glad She Died’… ‘White Trashes Kind Of Pieces Of Sh*t""

Hans eigin orš.

Tim Pool alltaf jįkvęšur.

Nżja Kalķfornķa ķ gerš

"The current state of California has become governed by a tyranny, which rivals those expressed in the above documents. Therefore the United States Declaration of Independence of 1776, the Constitution as adapted in 1783 by the Congress of the United States of America, the Alta California Declaration of Independence of 1836, the Sonoma Proclamation of 1846, and the California State Constitution of 1848 Mandate the Right, the Responsibility, the Duty of the People who are suffering the long train of abuses and usurpations at the hands of a tyrannical government to abolish and make new a government by the People and for the People under GOD."

Ég fylgist meš.



"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez·

Did you know that ongoing exposure to NO2 from gas stoves is linked to reduced cognitive performance
Ronny Jackson
.@aoc says gas stoves cause “reduced cognitive performance” - yet she uses a gas stove? Is this a self diagnosis? AOC, as a medical doctor, I can tell you this: what’s wrong with your head IS NOT caused by stoves. Something WAY BIGGER is causing your decreased cognitive function!"
Jį, žeir vilja vķst banna ofna, žessir Amerķsku kommar. 
"Shawnee Elementary School announced the death of Evelyn Bauer, a kindergarten student attending the school."
Žetta er ekki normal.
"On Tuesday night, a 16-year-old Odessa-Montour girls’ hoops standout suffered a stroke while in school."
Žeir borga ekki manninum.
"At least $54 million has been donated by Chinese Communist Party-linked individuals or entities between 2014 and 2019 to the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington at the University of Pennsylvania, according to public records reported by the New York Post, where it was revealed this week that Biden had stashed a trove of classified documents."
Ętli žeir séu aš borga fyrir aš fį aš glugga ķ žessi leynilegu skjöl?

Metropolis er public domain

Sigmundi Davķš sįrnar aš vera borinn saman viš nafntogaša félagshyggjumenn

Hér er góš greining į žessu eftir įgętan mann

"Hęgt hefši lķka veriš aš stilla upp annarri glęru ķ nįmsefni nemenda undir yfirskriftinni. "Nokkrir merkir sósķalistar"

Žar hefšu žį veriš nöfn žeirra Adolfs og Benito, sem fyrr įsamt t.d. Katrķnar Jakobsdóttur, Kristrśnar Flosadóttur og Gunnars Smįra Egilssonar."

Gott skot, sérstaklega ķ ljósi žess aš Kata Jak er alvöru fasisti (undirtegund: glóbalisti) og Gunnar Smįri hljómar alveg eins og Hitler.  Aš ég held viljandi.  Hlżtur aš vera.

En svona er nś heilažvotturinn.

Biden dreifir leynilegum gögnum eins og confetti

"Attorney General Merrick Garland assigned a U.S. attorney to review the roughly ten classified documents that were found in an old office of President Joe Biden, CBS News reported on Monday."

Žeir hefšu įtt aš vera ķ meiri fżlu śt ķ Trump śt af svona lögušu.

En Biden gerši žetta, og allir yppa bara öxlum, enda er hann óviti.


Žetta venjulega

"An 18-Year-old has #diedsuddenly while playing basketball, collapsing and dying suddenly right on the basketball court."

Žaš fer aš bera mikiš į krabbameini ķ įr.


"Back in March Dowd said that U.S. millennials, aged 25-44, experienced a record-setting 84% increase in excess mortality during the final four months of 2021.

The numbers from August confirmed his earlier report and revealed an excess mortality rate of 36% for millennials following the introduction of the COVID vaccines.

Then in April 2022, Ed Dowd reported on the same pattern of excess deaths in Canada."

Ég gerši ekkert.


Rašmorš eru lögleg nśna.

Vesturlönd eru skotfęralaus


Į mešan, ķ Póllandi

"The Polish military will create a new infantry division equipped with state-of-the-art hardware in the eastern part of the country, Poland’s Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak has said. 

According to the minister, the division will comprise four brigades, separated into four battalions. A division is a military formation, consisting of between 6,000 to 25,000 troops.

The new forces will be armed with US-made Abrams and South Korean K-2 tanks, locally-made Krab and Korean K-9 howitzers, as well as reconnaissance drones, he said."

IMG_3441 (X)

Trannar eru pedóar

"Between 2015 and 2019, the number of cases reported to police of female-perpetrated child sex abuse in the U.K. increased by 84 percent, according to a report by the BBC. These figures were discussed in a 35-minute BBC Radio 4 segment, but at no point during the broadcast did anyone mention the possibility that many of the female pedophiles were very likely to be male."

Žessi ręma er public domain ķ įr.

... žrįtt fyrir


Įgęt kenning

"Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a pawn of the global elite in service of the New World Order, according to a bombshell admission by his half-brother Kyle Kemper, who goes on to claim that Justin does not write his own speeches or tweets but instead performs scripts written for him by his globalist overlords.

It’s not the first time someone close to Justin Trudeau has raised serious questions about very dark topics.

Christopher Charles Ingvaldson, a long-term close friend of Justin Trudeau, was found guilty of child pornography charges after being caught directing an international pedophile ring."

Eitthvaš meira sem mį ekki tala um.

Alltaf vandręšalegt

"Young CTV News reporter Jessica Robb starts slurring her words, appears to go into medical distress, and looks like she’s about to collapse live on air during the 6pm show tonight."

Brazzarnir furšu frišsamir

"Last night the national police arrested a number of protesters until the army stepped in to protect them.  The protesters went to the army’s location and the army reportedly stepped in to protect the protesters from Lula’s police."

Her versus lögregla.

Stutt ķ žjóšarmorš ķ Žżzkalandi

"Nancy Faeser, Germany’s allegedly Antifa-linked Interior Minister, is preparing legislation that will ban “dangerous” semi-automatic weapons from being owned by private individuals, reports suggest.

... despite the country’s already draconian gun control laws, Germany has seen numerous mass shootings over recent years, including one which took place at Heidelberg University last year."


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