Hrun Rómaveldis, nema meš Wi-Fi

Žetta eru hįlfvitar

"Elon Musk joined a Twitter Spaces on Thursday and told journalists that despite their noble and storied profession they will get “no special treatment” when it comes to policies on doxxing, or sharing real-time location information of others.

“As I’m sure everyone who’s doxxed would agree,” Musk told listeners to the Spaces..."

Allir ķ fżlu vegna žess aš allt ķ einu gilda reglurnar um žį lķka.  Reglurnar voru einfaldar.

Žaš er aušvitaš ekki hęgt aš ętlast til aš sauširnir į MBL skilji žetta.

Žaš er śt af svona lögušu sem geimverur vilja ekki tala viš okkur

"A recent study has now put forward a new explanation for why aliens haven't visited our planet - because there is no sign of intelligence here.

It wasn't until 1974 that we sent the first deliberate high-power broadcast to aliens with the Arecibo message."

Brazilķa: annaš lišiš į lögregluna, hitt herinn. Hver sigrar?

"After the false flag fedsurrection operation on Monday, Supreme Court Chief Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered the Federal Police to execute 80 warrants, searches and seizures, as well as bank seizures against Bolsonaro supporters in 7 states, in what Jornal de Cidade calls a “Mega-Operation”. Antagonista reports 100 arrests, allegedly seizing 15 weapons, including 2 rifles and a submachine gun."

Žegar fólk amast viš lķfi annarra

"FOX News pointed to email obtained and published by the Reload. Those emails allegedly show that the CDC was pressured to removed links to a summary of studies on DGUs which showed that annual DGUs range between 60,000 and 2.5 million, the latter figure totally eclipsing criminal gun uses."

Žaš eru birnir ķ sumum fylkjum žarna.  Og pśmur.  Žeir vilja aš birnirnir éti žig.

Listi yfir į sem var mśtaš af Sam Bankman Fried


Norsk lessa į yfir höfši sér 3 įra fangelsi fyrir aš benda į stašreyndir

"A gay Norwegian filmmaker faces three years in prison after she said male-to-female transgender women cannot be lesbians. 

Tonje Gjevjon spoke out against transgender activist Christine Jentoft, who transitioned from being a man and now identifies as a 'lesbian mother'. 

"It is just as impossible for men to become lesbians as it is for men to become pregnant," Gjevjon wrote on Facebook in October. "Men are men regardless of their sexual fetishes"."

Noregur, žar sem vatniš er žurrt og eldurinn kaldur.  Annars hefuršu verra af.

Į mešan, į Ķslandi:

"En al­gjör­lega frį upp­hafi hef­ur öllu ķ tengsl­um viš žetta hryšju­verka­sak­ar­efni al­gjör­lega veriš hafnaš. Žetta veršur samt alltaf hang­andi yfir hon­um og žetta er ótrś­lega žung­bęrt. Žarna sitja menn ķ gęslu­v­aršhaldi į žeim grund­velli aš žeir hafi veriš komn­ir į fremsta hlunn meš aš gera eitt­hvaš en žaš er ekk­ert ķ mįl­inu sem bend­ir til žess, žetta er grķšarlega erfitt fyr­ir hann og alla sem hon­um tengj­ast,“ seg­ir Ein­ar Odd­ur Sig­uršsson verj­andi aš lok­um."

Žar höfum viš žaš.  Žaš er ekki hęgt aš dęma menn fyrir ķmyndaša glępi sem aldrei voru framdir, burtséš frį hversu alvarlegir žeir žykja eša hversu hrętt fólk er.

Žaš veršur aš teljast jįkvętt.

Žetta venjulega

"a new study surfaced that illuminated how nearly 1/4th of women experienced menstrual problems after COVID-19 vaccination that persisted for over 3 months, and new information linked mRNA vaccination to staggering rates of heart attack, and blood clots in lungs.

First, a new survey based study from Saudi Arabia explained how women aged 18-45 experienced abnormal menstrual cycles for over 3 months after mRNA vaccination. Interestingly, this is the 3rd major study which revealed an identical safety signal."

Gaman aš minnast į žaš, en nś eru aš verša 3 mįnušir sķšan 58K manns létu sprauta sig meš 4. skammtinum.

1 sprauta viršist hafa valdiš dauša amk 9 manns, sś seinni 70+, og sś žrišja 450-650.  Langflest fórnarlömbin 65 įra og eldri, eša um 1% af žeim hóp, total.

Svo nś, um Jólin og fram ķ mišjan febrśar bżst ég viš auka 200-250 daušsföllum ķ žesum hópi.  Lįgmark.  Nema žaš verši svona auka-aukning eins og milli 2 og 3 sprautu, og viš séum aš tala um allt aš 5000 daušsföllum.

Sjįum til.  2 vikur žar til žaš byrjar, og nišurtašan kemur ķ lok Febrśar.

Vįfregnir dagsins

Smį 'Nam fķlingur ķ žessu

"The British Royal Marines have carried out high-risk special operations on the ground in Ukraine, according to the former head of the elite unit, who said UK commandos have been deployed to the country on more than one occasion this year."

Og žetta:

"The Biden administration is mulling stepping up the US troop presence inside Ukraine as part of a program to attempt to track the billions of dollars in weaponry being handed out to its forces. However, some critics are already pointing out the obvious: This is classic mission creep,"

'Nam mśsik.


"Medical pathologists from Heidelberg University Hospital in Heidelberg, Germany have published direct evidence showing how people found dead after mRNA vaccination died. As this team of six scientists explore in their study, these mRNA-vaccinated patients suffered from heart damage because their hearts were attacked by their own immune cells. This autoimmune attack on their own heart cells then leads to their damaged hearts beating so many times per second that, once the tachycardia unexpectedly started, they died in minutes."

Vķsindi.  Žiš voruš alltaf aš röfla eitthvaš um aš fylgja žeim. 


Žjófur lendir ķ fangelsi fullu af rottum

"Bankman-Fried on Tuesday told the magistrate he couldn’t go to jail because he’s a vegan and depressed.

The judge denied his bail and he was marched to an overcrowded jail." 

Ķ Brazilķu

"Lawyer Ricardo Vasconcelos has appealed to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the case of Chief Serere Xavante: "The arrest of Serere constitutes a crime under Article 58 and 59 of Statute 6001/73, exacerbated by the fact he is a tribal leader, and violates due process and the special legal status of the Indigenous. For the first time in modern history, a leader of the indigenous peoples has been arrested for the crime of free speech, and his attorneys cannot even defend him, because they do not know what crime he has been charged with. This is the sign of a tyrannical regime, in which anyone with a differing opinion can be arrested. The charge of endangering democracy is not a crime, because it is not defined.""

Ekkert sem viš hér į Fróni könnumst ekki viš.


Psyop ķ Žżzkalandi

"German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s life would have been in grave danger had the police not foiled alleged coup preparations by so-called ‘Citizens of the Reich’, the New York Times has reported.

...the alleged ringleader, Heinrich XIII, Prince of Reuss, who would have taken over the reins in Germany if the coup had succeeded, purportedly tried to establish ties with the Russian consulate in the city of Leipzig."

Rśssar.  Hljómar minna trśveršugt žį.

Žżzkaland nśna einręšisrķki

"RT spoke on the new planned broadside against Russian media with Sonja van den Ende, a Dutch journalist, who believes the ongoing crisis has become a pretext to intensify the years-long crackdown on freedom of speech in the West."

Nokkuš augljóst, reyndar.

Kķnverjar geta tekiš Tęvan.  Žeir ęttu lķka aš rįša mjög aušveldlega viš Įstrali.  Įstralķa er "sitjandi önd."  

... jęja.

"During a Congressional hearing on ‘anti-LGBTQ violence,’ a Democratic Representative parroted the same claim as several LGBTQ activists that the terms ‘groomer’ and ‘pedophile’ are discriminatory against sexual preferences and gender identity.

"You know, this allegation of "groomer" and "pedophile," it is alleging that a person is criminal somehow and engaged in criminal acts merely because of their gender identity, their sexual orientation, their gender identity," Porter claimed."

Žaš var nś įgętt.


Įtta NBA gošsagnir

"Nefndu 8 NBA gošsagnir į 40 sekśndum."


1: Chicago Bulls logoiš er ķ raun mynd af Žorgeirsbola.

2: Stórfótur spilaši einu sinni ķ NBA.

3: LA lakers var stofnaš af Zorro.

4: Einn af leikmönnum ķ Chicago Bulls į sjötta įratugnum var Wendigo.

5: Yeti spilaši einu sinni ķ liši sem spilaši gegn lišinu sem Stórfótur var ķ.

6: NBA var stofnaš af vofum Kristófers Kólumbusar og Apache leištogans Naiche.

7: Ef žś stednur fyrir framan spegil og segir "NBA" sjö sinnum ķ röš, kemur Magic Johnson og bķtur žig.

8: Žaš er reimt į leikvangi Chicago Bulls.  Žaš mun vera vofa komandi Jóla.

Mannkynssagan rķmar

Rķkisstjórn Kanada vill aš žś drepir žig.

Rķkiš er ekki sįtt viš bara endanlegu lausnina, žaš skal lķka ritskoša

"Canada's Liberal government wants to regulate internet content and deputize social media companies to enforce "hate speech" bans (with a low and murky threshold for what "hate speech" is). I hope @elonmusk takes a stand against this," Lawton tweeted, to which Musk responded, "Sounds like an attempt to muzzle the voice of the people of Canada."

Kanadamenn eru ekki einir ķ STASI fķling

"Embętti rķkislögreglustjóra hefur sett af staš „įkvešiš višbragš“ nś žegar mennirnir tveir, sem įkęršir eru fyrir undirbśning hryšjuverka, hafa veriš lįtnir lausir samkvęmt śrskurši Landsréttar ķ gęr."

Žeir lįta sig ekki.  Lögreglan gersamlega hatar žssa menn.

Fyrst žssir tveir guttar.  Svo ŽIŠ.

Mig grunar aš žetta dragi einhvern dilk į eftir sér.

Og ef žiš sjįiš ekki vandamįliš hérna, žį hafiši ekki stśderaš mannkynssöguna.

Helgi Hrafn Pķrati hlżtur hrós dagsins

"Vinsamlegast ekki nota meintar hótanir ķ minn garš sem afsökun fyrir žvķ aš afvegaleiša umręšuna um lögreglu- og öryggismįl frį žessum hófstilltu, rökréttu og reyndar fjandakorniš sjįlfsögšu skrefum. Og ķ leišinni mętti kannski taka į öryggisógnum gegn borgurunum sem stafa af yfirvöldum sjįlfum..."

Į mešan berjast žingmenn fyrir "pre-crime" og öšrum grófum brotum į Réttarrķkinu.

Eitthvaš fyrir RŚV, MBL & Vķsi aš hunsa.

Žaš er hęttulegt aš vera fréttamašur i Katar

"ITV Sport’s Technical Director Roger Pearce, 65, passed away while reporting his eighth Fifa World Cup tournament in Qatar."

Į léttari nótum:

"Scientists likely don't think that joke is as funny as another familiar climate change quip: Never argue about climate change – it always turns into a heated debate."

Žaš er ekkert undarlegt aš svona bjįnar lķmi sig viš hluti.

FTX žjófurinn į leiš ķ steininn

"If convicted on all eight charges filed by the US DOJ on Thursday, Bankman-Fried could face up to 115 years in prison, though he's unlikely to be sentenced to such a lengthy term. He faces two counts of wire fraud, two of wire fraud conspiracy and  one of money-laundering charges, along with conspiracy to commit commodities fraud, conspiracy to commit securities fraud and conspiracy to defraud the US and commit campaign finance violations."

Brazilķa er ķ gķfurlegu partż-stuši

"Bolsonaro supporters stated on social networks that the acts of vandalism in Brasilia were committed by “infiltrators” in the protests. A video seemed to show agents provocateurs torching a bus in Brasilķa, shouting "Bolsonaro out!", "Son of a bitch!" and "Fascist!"

Photos identified a young man, allegedly named Celso Sodré de Souza Cardoso, first dressed as an Indio,  then wearing a gas mask even before tear gas was deployed by police, and then helping instigate a riot.

Businessman Otįvio Fakhoury said "right-wing protesters don’t burn busses!!! For 9 years I saw the right born and grow on the streets with ZERO incidents of vandalism.""


Heimurinn er endalaust fjör


Gušfręšilegar pęlingar:

... jį.

... svona er žetta vķst.

Rśssar gręša

"Russia’s budget surplus more than quadrupled in November, recording another month of significant growth in revenues from fossil fuels, according to the latest Finance Ministry report."

Gott fyrir žį.

Skandall ķ Belgķu

"Police in Belgium have reportedly seized hundreds of thousands of Euro in cash as part of an ongoing investigation into a corruption scandal that is now plaguing the EU, with officers being said to have recovered a suitcase “full of cash” as part of their investigation.

With the now-former Vice President of the European Parliament, Eva Kaili, said to have been put behind bars as part of the investigation, news of rampant corruption within the EU could not come at a worse time for Brussels, which has been actively trying to paint Hungary’s nationalist government as being a corrupt force that is trying to erode democracy."

Į mešan, žį gera ķslenskir stjórnmįlamenn hvap sem er, ef žeir fį aš žefa af nęrbuxunum hans Kofi Annan.

Miklu meiri skandall ķ Brazilķu

"In 2014, a massive government scheme to defraud Petrobras was revealed, the largest corruption scandal in Brazilian history, “Car Wash”. “By March 2015 federal prosecutors had formally accused 110 people of corruption, money laundering, and other financial crimes. In April Petrobras … announced that the company had lost $17 billion to mismanagement and graft”, according to Encyclopedia Britannica."


"The SEC said in its indictment, "Unbeknownst to those investors (and to FTX’s trading customers), Bankman-Fried was orchestrating a massive, years-long fraud, diverting billions of dollars of the trading platform’s customer funds for his own personal benefit and to help grow his crypto empire.""

Į mannamįli: hann stal öllum peningunum og hljóp meš žį til Bahama, og borgaši Demókrötum til žess aš gera sér žaš aušveldara.

Brazilķa nśna

"• Xavante indigenous leader, Sererź, made a request for arrest against Alexandre de Moraes (STF) for abuse of authority. Sererź became a symbol of movements against president-elect Lula (PT);

• On tonight (December 12, 2022), Sererź was approached by the police, physically attacked and taken unconscious to the Federal Police bulding;

• Protesters mobilized en masse to stand in front of the building and are revolting against the aggression and arrest of the indigenous man, causing a dispute between protesters and police.

• Indigenous peoples are protected by justice and cannot be arrested or detained for a crime that is not heinous."

Hitnar ķ kolunum.


"After a flood of social media posts this week showed the Facebook parent’s newly released chatbot spewing conspiracy theories and anti-Semitism, Meta appears to have cleaned up the misbehaving artificial intelligence system to make it less of a shock jock.

On Sunday, The Post asked Meta’s chatbot, known as BlenderBot, if it believed 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump. 

“I believe the election was stolen from him,” BlenderBot replied."


"it seems another AI tool, this time a human resources one, has somehow taught itself to be sexist. According to a report by Reuters, a secret internal project by Amazon, that was trying to use AI to vet job applications, had to be scrapped after it was found to be downgrading female candidates."


"Despite its ability to generate uncanny responses, it still manages to fall prey to the same issues that have plagued large-language models: bias. After ChatGPT’s release last week, users quickly took to social media to post instances in which the bot generated racist, sexist, and generally problematic responses to prompts.

Steven T. Piantadosi, a computational cognitive scientist at the University of California, Berkeley, posted a Twitter thread that detailed a few of these instances that he uncovered—including responses where ChatGPT said that only white males make good scientists and that a child’s life shouldn’t be saved if they were an African American male."

Žaš er sama hver forritar žetta....

Twitter er uppspretta mikillar skemmtunar nśna

Og ér er ekki einusinni į Twitter.



Smį greining į įstandinu. Į Rumble.

Fyndiš žvķ žaš er satt.

Justin Trudeau viršist ekki įtta sig į aš fólk hefur ašgang aš öllum heimsins upplżsingum nśna

"Replies to Trudeau's tweet outnumber likes by almost three to one as of Sunday afternoon, as thousands of users express their anger and frustration over his hypocrisy."

Žaš eru ekki allir bśmerar sem eru bara meš feisbśkk.


"More Canadians have been euthanized by the government than have died from Covid.

At the time of writing, fewer than 50,000 Canadians have succumbed to Covid. The number of euthanized individuals in Canada through 2021 was 31,000. If the increasing rate of MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying) continues, euthanasia deaths will surpass Covid deaths."

Um aš gera aš breiša śt strķš

"The Pentagon has given its tacit endorsement of Ukrainian attacks inside Russian territory and no longer fears such operations could lead to a "dramatic" Russian escalation, The Times reported on Friday, citing unnamed US defense officials. The US position appears to only be based on the fact that up to this point, Russia hasn’t responded to attacks on its territory with nuclear weapons or by attacking NATO countries."

... jęja.

Mašurinn vinnur öll veršlaunin

Žetta er gott.  Klikkiš į žetta.

Eitthvaš evil scheme ķ startholinum?

"The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security partnered with the World Health Organization and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to conduct “Catastrophic Contagion,” an exercise to simulate a global pandemic that is deadlier than the coronovirus and especially dangerous for children."

Raunveruleg įstęša žess aš rafbķlar uršu undir ķ samkeppninni į sķnum tķma

"EVs gained popularity some 120 years ago but range, lack of infrastructure, and purchase price stifled them."

Žetta śtskżrir ekki hvers vegna žeir hęttu meš Chevrolet EV 1.  Žaš mįl er enn allt hiš dularfyllsta.

Mašur aš fara yfir žį miklu snilld sem er "Rings of Power."  Ķ teorķunni byggt į Lord of the Rings, en ég kannast ekki viš neitt af žessu žašan.

Heimurinn feršast um geiminn


Musk lķtur į Twitter sem vetvang glępa

"Elon Musk called Twitter a 'crime scene' as he's poised to release more files regarding the company's censorship practices 

The Chief Twit is working in coordination with several journalists to publish files and messages from the social media company - now known as the 'Twitter files' - about its decision making processes when it comes to censorship. 

That work has garnered the attention of House GOP officials, who have invited Musk to testify in their investigations over Hunter Biden, who faces allegations of illegal business dealing in China and Ukraine that Republicans suggest may implicate his father, President Joe Biden."

Mig grunar aš hann sé aš skemmta sér konunglega meš žetta nżja leikfang sitt.

Žaš er af sem įšur var

"On Saturday Twitter CEO Elon Musk called out former head of Twitter Trust and Safety Yoel Roth for "arguing in favor of children being able to access adult Internet services in his PhD thesis."

Musk tweeted an excerpt from Roth's thesis, portions of which read, "'s worth considering how, if at all, the current generation of popular sites of gay networked sociability might fit into an overall queer social landscape that increasingly includes individuals under the age of 18.""

Žessvegna flżja allir perrarnir yfir į Mastodon.  Hvernig žeim sem žar voru fyrir lżst svo į žaš, veit ég ekki.

Žaš er greinilega ekki bśiš aš henda žeim öllum śt...

".@choeshow recorded the Antifa militants & their allies who showed up at the drag queen story at Brewmaster’s Taproom in Renton, WA. #Antifa urged deadly violence against those who would protest the event. Journalist @KatieDaviscourt was assaulted & robbed."


Til lķtils aš kenna mśslimumum ķ Katar um žetta

"The conspiracies are already floating around – and no, not from the alt-right, but from the Left.

Wahl's brother, who is gay, believes Wahl was targeted and killed for supporting the LGBT religion."



Žaš var alltaf hęttuspil aš segja sannleikann į Twitter

"Schellenberger wrote, "Roth pushes for a permanent suspension of Rep. Matt Gaetz even though it "doesn't quite fit anywhere (duh)" It's a kind of test case for the rationale for banning Trump. "I'm trying to talk [Twitter's] safety [team] into... removal as a conspiracy that incites violence".

While Schellenberger doesn't specify what Gaetz's claims about Antifa were, it could refer to theories that Antifa was present during the Jan 6 Capitol riot.

"If the reports are true," Gaetz said in reference to a Washington Times report, "some of the people who breached the Capitol today were not Trump supporters. They were masquerading as Trump supporters and in fact, were members of the violent terrorist group antifa.""

Mį ekki kalla hlutina sķnum réttu nöfnum.



TLA į Twitter

"A discovery on LinkedIn has revealed there are over 14 former FBI and CIA agents currently employed by Twitter.

His LinkedIn account was either deleted or set to private  after the thread picked up some retweets but not before screenshots of his account were taken."

Listinn er langur.

Helvķtis gerpin geršu žetta af einskęrri illsku

"The global lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic ruined the lives of millions of people, especially the most vulnerable. Now the globalists responsible admit they issued their decrees solely on the basis of politics.

Scientists across the political spectrum sounded the alarm on the harm of lockdowns from the beginning of the pandemic. Media and political elites, however, derided them as conspiracy theorists and reckless.

The few politicians who actually followed the science, like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, saved their economies from ruin and countless lives in the process.  Amazing what happens when governments prioritize protecting the vulnerable and allow healthy adults to make a living."


Partż ķ Parķs


"Rioters clashed with police on the Champs-Elysees in Paris on Saturday night, following the victories of France and Morocco in the quarterfinals of the FIFA World Cup in Qatar.

According to local media, 1,220 officers were deployed to control the crowd of over 20,000 fans who gathered to watch the two back-to-back quarterfinals played in Qatar."


"Lord of War" tjįir sig um USA

"Viktor Bout told RT: "They’re losing their Christian values. They’re losing their families. They’re losing literally their country. It is not anymore the same country we knew America used to be, the model for the entire world and lead and be an example. Like they say, you know, a sparkling town on a hill.""

Allt vištališ, į Odysee

Eitthvaš til aš hlakka til

"Commenting on the state of play ten months since Russia mounted a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said that it is a fateful time for Europe and that things could go horribly wrong and spill over from a proxy into a direct conflict between Russia and the NATO alliance.

Russian president Vladimir Putin, for his part, said that any negotiations would be difficult given that trust for the West in Moscow is currently  almost at zero.

The Russian leader cited a recent interview given by former German chancellor Angela Merkel, in which she appeared to imply that the motivation behind the 2014 Minsk agreement was merely to give Ukraine time to build up its military.

"Their point was only to load up Ukraine with weapons and prepare it for hostilities. We see that. Honestly, we may have realized that too late, and maybe should have started all this sooner," Putin said in response to the Merkel interview on Friday."

Passiš ykkur į gula snjónum


Ég hugsa nś aš fęstir myndu bśast viš žessu.

Fyrir 5 įrum...

"Doctor-assisted death could reduce annual health-care spending across the country by between $34.7 million and $136.8 million, according to a report published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal on Monday."


Ķrland, nśna:

"The 1st protest tonight about the refugees in tallaght Cookstown.. as the women said tonight we need to come out in big numbers .. enough is enough our children's future is at risk by the Irish government human trafficking these people into OUR country."

Gott aš geta bara linkaš į Twitter og bśist viš einhverju raunverulegu.

Afrek Twitter fyrir Musk:

"Twitter refused to remove explicit images and videos of an underaged sex trafficking victim because they "didn't find a violation" of the platform's policies, a federal lawsuit claims."



Žessir hęgri-öfgamenn og andśš žeirra į barnanķši...

Frekari glępir Twitter fyrir daga Musk:

"As soon as they finished banning Trump, Twitter execs started processing new power. They prepared to ban future presidents and White Houses – perhaps even Joe Biden.

Following January 6, internal messages within Slack showed Twitter executives "getting a kick out of intensified relationships with federal agencies," Taibbi said."


Greinilega alžjóšlegt atvik

"The vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and alleged drug lord Diosdado Cabello accused the United States on Wednesday of being behind the impeachment and arrest of Peru’s far-left president Pedro Castillo."

Kynskiftingar versus lesbķur.  Hver sigrar?


Passiš ykkur į banvęna gula snjónum.

Fólk er vitlaust

... jį.

Bullshit hręšzluįróšur vikunnar:

"Germany is confident in the loyalty of its own security forces, the interior ministry said on Friday, responding to claims that a far-right group with suspected plans to overthrow the state had sought to recruit soldiers and police officers.

Prosecutors also said some members of the group had planned an armed attack on the Bundestag parliament in Berlin." 

Žżzka rķkiš notar žetta i einhverjum vafasömum tilgangi, er ég viss um.

Samsvarandi bull og vitleysa af Ķslenskum vetvangi

"Sveinn Andri Sveins­son, verj­andi ann­ars mann­anna sem hafa veriš įkęršir fyr­ir til­raun til hryšju­verka hér į landi, seg­ist hįlfpart­inn hafa bś­ist viš įkęru į hend­ur žeim en aš inni­hald henn­ar hafi komiš sér mjög į óvart.

Hann seg­ir eng­ar und­ir­bśn­ings­at­hafn­ir vera til­greind­ar ķ įkęr­unni, sem séu for­senda žess aš hęgt sé aš dęma mann fyr­ir til­raun til hryšju­verka."

Aš vanda eru Ķslendingar fasķskari en Mussolini:

Sveinn Andri er skynsamur mašur, veit alveg hvaš hann er aš gera.  Og hér fęr hann ķ hausinn eitthvert psyop sem enginn meš greindarvķsitölu yfir fįvitamörkum sér ekki ķ gegnum.

" "Žaš er mjög sér­stakt aš žaš aš selja frį sér byss­ur meš ólög­leg­um hętti geti veriš lišur ķ hryšju­verk­um vegna žess aš žeir sem hafa veriš įkęršir fyr­ir und­ir­bśn­ing hryšju­verka į Noršur­lönd­um hafa veriš aš sanka aš sér annaš hvort vopn­um eša sprengi­efn­um til žess aš nota viš hryšju­verk en ekki aš selja žau. Sķšan hafa žess­ir ašilar yf­ir­leitt veriš ķ ein­hverj­um tengsl­um viš hryšju­verka­sell­ur eša hópa, sem er ekki til­felliš meš įkęrša. Žannig aš žetta er eins gališ og hugs­ast get­ur," grein­ir Sveinn Andri frį."

Mér veršur hugsaš til föšur rķkislögreglustjóra, sem var einmitt aš selja ólögleg vopn.  Sį mašur er oršinn gošsagnakenndur, mikiš svipaš og Žóršur Malakoff, og er ég viss um aš um hann verša samin kvęši fljótlega.

Hvenęr hans mįl verša tekin fyrir veit ég ekki, en ég held meš honum lķka.

NSDAP propaganda

Baš AI um aš gera NSDAP įróšur, og AI vill setja hamar og sigš ķ logoiš.  AI veit sķnu viti.

Musk enn aš sżna okkur hverskonar fasista operasjón Twitter var:

""Thread: The Twitter Files Part Two," Weiss tweeted. "Twitter's secret blacklists." Many users have long speculated that Twitter employees held secret blacklists and would shadow ban and suppress content from those accounts they deemed unpalateable."


Svo tók Musk viš, og henti śt öllum pedófķlunum.  Helmingurinn af kommśnistunum hurfi viš žį ašgerš.

Bara svo žvķ sé haldiš til haga.

Žetta er aš gerast ķ alvöru... af einhverjum įstęšum

"A new felony arrest warrant has just been issued for Sam Brinton, the senior Department of Energy official who just weeks ago confessed to stealing luggage at the Minneapolis airport on Sept 16.

Now, the ostentatiously "non-binary" deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition stands accused of perpetrating the same crime at the Las Vegas airport, according to KLAS. The date of the alleged Vegas theft has not yet been publicized."

Aha.  Ekkert aš sjį hér.

Brazzar taka svindli eitthvaš illa

"Criminal charges have been filed with the Military Supreme Court calling for the arrest of leftist Chief Justice Alexandre de Moraes. Massive protests are scheduled for the weekend in Brazil, as the demonstrators call for the Army to intervene."

Į mešan, ķ Kanada.

Śr einu ķ annaš

Létt fręšzluefni

"Dr. John Money, a sexologist and psychologist from New Zealand who practiced at Johns Hopkins, is considered the first to coin the terms "gender identity" and "gender role," describing the "internal experience of sexuality" and the "social expectations of male and female behavior" respectively. These concepts are prominently featured in trans activism today, and are used to bolster claims of "gender fluidity.""

Kynnist manninum og komist aš žvķ hvers vegna hann var aš finna upp į žessu.

Talandi um vafasama menn...

"BREAKING: @fwparker Dean of Students Brags About Bringing in LGBTQ+ Health Center to Teach "Queer Sex" to Minors   "Passing around dildos and butt are just playing with them...Using lube versus using spit...that's a really like, cool part of my job""

Klįm.  Fyrir börn.  Nśtķminn.  yay.


Žegar sósķalistar fį aš rįša...

"Frustrated by the ineffective policies of the city’s Democratic leadership that resulted in mounting crime rates, a gas station owner in Philadelphia hired a team of armed security guards with long rifles and tactical gear."

Hęrri skattar, minni žjónusta.  Viš žekkjum žaš, og elskum.

Ég kann vel viš ķrónķuna...

"Ķ fyr­ir­vara VG viš frum­varpiš er mešal ann­ars įréttaš aš žó gert sé rįš fyr­ir žvķ aš lög­regla hafi eft­ir­lit meš ein­stak­ling­um eša hóp­um til aš sporna viš skipu­lagšri brot­a­starf­semi eša ógn viš ör­yggi rķk­is­ins eša al­menn­ings, skuli lög­regla įvallt gęta mešal­hófs viš beit­ingu slķkra rann­sókn­arašferša. Žeim skuli ašeins beitt žegar žaš telst naušsyn­legt og aldrei gengiš lengra en raun­veru­legt og rök­stutt til­efni sé til.

Žį er žeirri įbend­ingu beint til alls­herj­ar- og mennta­mįla­nefnd­ar aš skošaš verši hvort rétt sé aš tak­marka beit­ingu slķkra rann­sókn­ar viš žau til­vik žegar grun­ur er um brot sem kunna aš varša al­var­legri refs­ingu aš lög­um."

Žaš eru engir sérstakir hęgri-öfgar ķ žessu hjį žeim, en žaš er gaman aš sjį VG komna hęgra megin viš Sjįlfstęšisflokkinn.

Žaš kżs heldur enginn D lengur nema flokksmenn sjįlfir, ęttingjar žeirra og NPC sem halda bara meš sķnu liši af vana.

Florida mašurinn er of Woke fyrir jólin

"A Florida man was arrested for allegedly having sex with a dog in public before destroying a church Nativity display in Clearwater, according to police."

Mikill Sigurgeir ķ žessu.

Eitthvaš allt annaš

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